June 28, 2013 

Red Ice Radio
June 26, 2013

Alison Adams - Hour 1 - Mercury Toxicity, Mouth Body Connection & Natural Recovery

June 24, 2013

Walter Block - Hour 1 - Libertarian Philosophy & Anarcho-capitalism

June 20, 2013

Penney Peirce - Hour 1 - Leap of Perception

June 16, 2013

Maurice Cotterell - Hour 1 - Anti-gravity Radiation & Molecular Disintegration of Matter

June 13, 2013

Steven Greer - Sirius Film

June 9, 2013

Daniel Estulin - Bilderberg 2013

June 7, 2013

Ibrahim Karim & Pier Paolo Alberghini - Hour 1 - BioGeometry

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News Picks
FBI Document—“[DELETED]” Plots to Kill Occupy Leaders “If Deemed Necessary”
2013 06 28
Would you be shocked to learn that the FBI apparently knew that some organization, perhaps even a law enforcement agency or private security outfit, had contingency plans to assassinate peaceful protestors in a major American city — and did nothing to intervene? Would you be surprised to learn that this intelligence comes not from a shadowy whistle-blower but from the FBI ...
Facebook Shadow Profiles: What You Need to Know
2013 06 28
Facebook shadow profiles. You may have seen the term crop up on tech news sites this week, and it may given you the feeling it’s a nefarious privacy violation — or the first fun feature that Facebook has introduced in years. But, seriously: Are shadow profiles real? Do I have one? Are they bad? If you use Facebook, then the answer to ...
Mouse cloned from drop of blood
2013 06 27
Scientists in Japan have cloned a mouse from a single drop of blood. Circulating blood cells collected from the tail of a donor mouse were used to produce the clone, a team at the Riken BioResource Center reports in the journal Biology of Reproduction. The female mouse lived a normal lifespan and could give birth to young, say the researchers. Scientists at a ...
CIA embedded in NY police, conducting domestic spying ops
2013 06 27
Four Central Intelligence Agency officers were embedded with the New York Police Department in the decade after Sept. 11, 2001, including one official who helped conduct surveillance operations in the United States, according to a newly disclosed C.I.A. inspector general’s report. That officer believed there were “no limitations” on his activities, the report said, because he was on an ...
Police Chief Wants Drones to Patrol ’High Crime Areas’ (And Everywhere Else)
2013 06 27
"St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson has called for the city’s high crime areas to be patrolled by unmanned surveillance drones within a year, in addition to using the technology to track suspicious vehicles." Source If there was anyone who was waiting for the other shoe to drop, this is your cue to finally take these indications of a complete surveillance ...
State of Mind Film Creators Richard Grove & James Lane Speak Out
2013 06 27
Alex also talks with James Lane and Richard Grove about their new documentary, State of Mind: The Psychology of Control. The film delves into the abyss to expose the true agendas at work -- the science of control that has evolved over generations to keep us firmly in place so that dictators, power brokers and corporate puppeteers may profit from ...
International officials demand privacy answers on Google Glass
2013 06 26
Red Ice Creations Note: As people become more aware than ever before about how much they’re being spied upon by corporations, intelligence agencies, and the State, there is a new public hesitation towards popular technology that may further infringe on personal privacy. Lest we forget that GOOGLE ITSELF is embroiled in scandal as to its cooperation with National Security Agency ...
UFO files reveal British Ministry of Defence monitors anti-gravity research
2013 06 26
In the recent batch of UFO files released by the UK National Archives, among the masses of letters sent to the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) asking about extraterrestrials, one also asks that the MoD to release the truth about anti-gravity technology that is being hidden from the public. The MoD boffins replied that they do not currently have any ...
Futurist Proposes Solving ‘Overpopulation’ with ‘Birth Credits’
2013 06 26
According to Michael E. Arth (Earth?), the planet’s future looks grim because there are just too many people living on it. In an interview with Vice, the urban designer, former Florida gubernatorial candidate and futurist proposed the concept of ‘birth credits‘ to help curb what he terms a “slow-moving, global disaster like overpopulation”: “China, and the rest of ...
Sorry, NSA, Terrorists Don’t Use Verizon. Or Skype. Or Gmail.
2013 06 26
The NSA has to collect the metadata from all of our phone calls because terrorists, right? And the spy agency absolutely must intercept Skypes you conduct with folks out-of-state, or else terrorism. It must sift through your iCloud data and Facebook status updates too, because Al Qaeda. Terrorists are everywhere, they are legion, they are dangerous, and, unfortunately, they don’t really ...
Booz Allen Hamilton: Far Worse Than Blackwater
2013 06 26
Let’s take another trip down the rabbit hole, shall we? Lost in the Edward Snowden debate is a critical look at his former employer, the company doing the spying on Americans in the first place: Booz Allen Hamilton. Booz Allen Hamilton is a government contractor, with 99% of its revenue coming from the US government. Not only does it receive money from ...
Boston Bombings: Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev a Double Agent Recruited by the FBI?
2013 06 25
Amid the swirl of mysteries surrounding the alleged Boston bombers, one fact, barely touched upon in the mainstream U.S. media, stands out: There is a strong possibility that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older of the two brothers, was a double agent, perhaps recruited by the FBI. If Tsarnaev was a double agent, he would be just one of thousands of young people ...
Scared of the Sun – the Global Pandemic of Vitamin D Deficiency
2013 06 25
Under the grey skies of the UK, a childhood disease thought to have been almost eliminated half a century ago is rising up like a specter from the past, spooking parents and doctors alike. Rickets, a condition which evokes images of a bygone era of childhood malnutrition, is on the rise in a big way, and its principal cause is ...
Is Your Smart Meter Spying On You?
2013 06 25
Burglars, Hackers and the Government All Want to See Your Smart Meter Data NBC News reports: Researchers examining the privacy implications of smart-meter technology found that one German provider’s devices contained vulnerabilities that allowed them to snoop on unencrypted data to determine whether or not the homeowners were home. After signing up with the German smart-meter ...
Psychological trigger: what’s behind the official rage against leakers?
2013 06 25
Technocrats, who are obsessed with designing the future for all of us, are Globalists in sheep’s clothing. Their plans coincide with the intention to direct the world’s economic and political activity from a central-management locus. “For the greatest good of the greatest number.” However, there is a glitch. And it is permanent. It appears suddenly, here and there, and it’s the kind of ...
Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated
2013 06 25
Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated By Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars Rolling Stone journalist made enemies in FBI, CIA The revelation that Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings was working on a story about the CIA before his death and had contacted a Wikileaks lawyer about being under investigation by the FBI hours before his car exploded into flames has bolstered increasingly ...
New study links over 7,000 cancer deaths to cell phone tower radiation exposures
2013 06 24
Could exposure to radiation from cell phone towers really responsible for over 7,000 cancer deaths? According to research findings from Brazil, the facts speak for themselves. The study established a direct link between cancer deaths in Belo Horizonte, Brazil’s third largest city, with the cell phone network. What does this direct link stem from? Over 80 percent of those who succumbed to ...
Former GMO Engineer Drops Biotech and Goes Organic
2013 06 24
The “con­ver­sion” of for­mer anti-GMO activist Mark Lynas to GMO pro­moter has gar­nered huge media atten­tion, but Thierry Vrain, Ph.D., a for­mer genetic engi­neer who speaks out against the risks of genet­i­cally engi­neered foods, has far more credibility—and a far more impor­tant story to tell the public. Thierry Vrain’s career has spanned the full range of agriculture—from being a pro­po­nent of ...
What Anarchy Is (and isn’t)
2013 06 23
Who I really hope I can get to watch this is people who are not yet Anarchists, because the majority of people still seem to believe that because government can sometimes be bought off it can also be reasoned with. This view will continue to change en masse. The momentum is on now. Because they believe this in opposition to ...


Jupiter Enters Cancer/Cardinal T-square/Black Moon Lilith

On June 27 Jupiter entered the sign of its exaltation Cancer, where it will stay until July 17 2014. Jupiter enters Cancer forming a conjunction to the Sun, and a large Grand Trine to Neptune and Saturn. The exaltation of a planet in a sign means that a planet’s qualities expresses itself especially well through that sign. Jupiter’s instinct to grow and connect is suited well for Cancer. Cancer represents home, family, the familiar, the past, one’s roots, ancestors, nurturing, bonding, connection, security, feeling, and emotions.

It would be hard to imagine a better influence and omen for this passage of Jupiter through the first water sign. None of us alive today have experienced this kind of energy from the cosmos, since Neptune was never in Pisces in our lives, other than now. The large trine will be exact between the 17 and 18 of July. If you have any planets or angles at 3-7 degrees of water you may well experience a deepening of your spiritual life, happiness with family, increased flow of funds, gained resources, expansion and fulfilling dreams.

A Cardinal T-square is created by the movement of Jupiter into Cancer (June 27), thus opposing Pluto in Capricorn while squaring Uranus in Aries. This activation of the Uranus Pluto square by expansive Jupiter is in effect July to September. Jupiter will move from the intellectually and technically savvy sign of Gemini into the watery sign of Cancer. In this sign, it will square Uranus and oppose Pluto, making a stress aspect to both. Jupiter never does anything small—whatever it comes into contact with becomes bigger for better or for worse.

Lastly, Black Moon Lilith enters Cancer June 9, 2013 - March 4, 2014. Black Moon Lilith is not an actual planet, but a point in the Moon’s orbit furthest away from the Earth (the apogee). Black Moon Lilith in Cancer is a symbol of the underlying feelings related to mothers, mothering, femininity, caring, nurturing, home, family, breasts and sex. Lilith is equated with the feminine dark side of the divine. If so, then look out! Unhealthy sexuality, perversion of femininity, breast cancer, the destruction of the family unit, and unhappy mothers will be some areas that may become a prime focus.

Movie Recommendation
Oblivion (2013)

A veteran assigned to extract Earth's remaining resources begins to question what he knows about his mission and himself.

More Info | Search Film Recommendations

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Andras Jones - Accidental Initiations

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