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William H. Kennedy - Satanism, Ritual Abuse & Pedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church
April 4, 2010
We go into the dark and murky waters of devil worship, Luciferians, secret societies and the connection to Satanism with our guest William H Kennedy. William H. Kennedy is a writer and speaker on religious & paranormal topics. He is the author of "Satanic Crime: A Threat in the New Millennium" and "Lucifer's Lodge: Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church". We begin to talk about the satanic panic of the 1980s in the United States and then we go into the Roman Catholic Church, the recent pedophilia scandals, the Vatican and how the pope has protected pedophiles. Topics Discussed: satanic panic, people falsely imprisoned, Skull and Bones, Bilderberg, false memories, demonic rituals, Malachi Martin, father fortune, Roman Catholic priests and Satanism, Pope Benedict XVI, sexual abuse of minors, exorcisms, crime of solicitation, Antichrist, Cardinal Seri, conclave, Pope John Paul the 1st, in god's name, the Davinci Code Cabal, 1/4th of all the gold in the world is owned by the Roman Catholic Church, Knights Templar and Orders of Malta. More coming up for members as we talk about the Church of Satan and Anton LaVey, Fritz Leiber, the OTO, Aleister Crowley, Kenneth Anger and the connections to the "Night Stalker," Richard Ramirez. We discuss Michal Aquino's Temple of Set, the Columbine massacre and Boyd Rice. In the last half we go into the very telling case of Marc Detroux in Belgium and what is known as the Pink Ballets affairs and discuss who some of the victims are pointed their fingers at, like the head of NATO at the time Willy Claes, King Albert II of Belgium and Viscount Etienne Davignon (president of the Bilderberg steering committee). Why isn't the testimony of the victims being heard and why aren't leads being followed up by the media or the police? Topics Discussed: Anton LaVey, Church of Satan, Fritz Leiber, OTO, Aleister Crowley, Kenneth Anger, mass murderers, the "Night Stalker" Richard Ramirez, Zena LaVey, high priest Peter Gilmore, Temple of Set, Columbine massacre and the "bowling strangeness", Boyd Rice, Marc Dutroux and the connection to politicians and royals, Eyes Wide Shut, Willy Claes, Pink Ballets, King Albert, Viscount Etienne Davignon, Michel Nihoul, Dunblaine, The Bilderberg and much more.