2006 05 27
By Dirk Vander Ploeg | UFODigest.com
Article picked up from: americanchronicle.com
The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania (1849) by Joseph Noel Paton.
You may have read The Da Vinci Code or seen the movie and are still puzzled by what is meant by Sangreal or royal blood. It has been written about by countless authors in many literary works.
Certain royal families, in the Celtic world, were said to carry the fairy blood, that is to say, the fate or destiny of the royal bloodline, while the elf princesses of romance and history were often called 'elf-maidens'. Certain royal families were said to carry the fairy blood, and it was their responsibility to safeguard the royal blood, but not only for their family but for mankind itself. Elf-maidens were the guardians of the earth, starlight and forest. It's for this reason that the elves have been called the 'Shining Ones", because they led the way.
Fairies are particularly associated with Ireland, where the ancient people of the Tuatha De Danann epitomize them. This formidable king tribe was, nevertheless, mythologized by the Christian monks, who rewrote the majority of Irish history to suit their own Church's vested interest in Ireland. From a base of the monastic texts, which arose onwards from medieval times, it is generally stated that these people were the supernatural tribe of the pre-Achaean agricultural Goddess Danae of Argos, or perhaps of the Aegean Mother-Goddess Danu. But their true name, rendered in its older form, was Tuadhe d'Anu. As such, they were the people (tribe) of Anu, the great sky God of the Anunnaki. Once again we see that this fairy bloodline can be traced back thousands of years to ancient Sumer and Babylon and the God Anu! We will read more about Anu later in this article. [1]
The Tuadhe d'Anu originally came from the Central European lands of Scythia, the Black Sea kingdoms which stretched from the Carpathian Mountains and Transylvanian Alps, across to the Russian River Don. They were known as the Royal Scyths and were masters of transcendent intellect. [2]
They were one of the world's most noble races and paralleled the early noble dynastic pharaohs of Egypt. It was as a result of these Scythian-Egyptian marriages between these two families that that the Scots Gaels of Ireland came to be. It was common practice in ancient Egypt for pharaohs to marry their sisters for the sole purpose to progress their claim to kingship through the female line.
In Ancient Egypt the system for becoming a Pharaoh or ruler of the land was exclusively through heredity that is by the matrilineal royal bloodline. The Pharaoh was always male, being the oldest male heir of the previous Pharaoh. In order to rule he had to marry a female who carried royal blood. In practical terms this meant that Pharaohs were married to their own sisters, or at least half sisters, most of the time. If a sister or half sister was unavailable, they married someone else who carried royal blood. [3]
These wives were often half-sisters, born of their mothers by different fathers, for it was the mitochondria DNA of the matrilineal succession that was important to the dynasties. Note that both sons and daughters inherit the mitochondria from mothers, since the DNA resides within the female egg cells.
Genealogical charts of the era show that there were many successive kingly dynasties. When a pharaoh died it was important that his queen had a female heiress, because it was upon the daughter's marriage into another male line that the dynasty began. Pharaohs chose their wives very carefully and often strategically chose to marry into more than more than one of the original Mesopotamian royal bloodline.
Occasionally the Elf-Maiden would marry a brother to solidify her claim to the throne. Cleopatra came to power in Egypt at the age of 17 by marrying her younger brother. Queen Cleopatra reigned from 51-30 B.C. It is interesting to note that the last of the pharaohs was not only a woman she was also not Egyptian! As a Ptolemy, Cleopatra was Macedonian, but even though her ancestry was not Egyptian, her royal blood ensured that this queen would be worshipped as a God. [4]
As mentioned earlier this matrilineal royal blood can be traced back thousand of years to ancient Sumer/Babylon and to the great Anunnaki God Anu. Known as the Lord of the Sky, Anu's family line is well documented on both clay tablets and cylinder seals, dating back to 4000 BC. This important record lists his queenly consorts as his two sisters Antu, Lady of the Sky and Ki, the Earth Mother.
Enki |
Anu also had two sons: Enlil, whose mother was Ki, and Enki, whose mother was Antu. Enki had two wives and one of them was his half-sister Nin-khursag, the Lady of Life. Similarly, Enlil also had two wives including Nin-khursag. Therefore Nin-khursag was consort to both of her brothers! [5]
The rule of kingly descent through the senior female line appears to have been established from the outset when a dispute over entitlement arose between the brothers Enki and Enlil. One day, Anu, the president of the Grand Assembly resigned and appointed his elder son Enlil to take his place. His brother Enki challenged his father's choice explaining that although he was younger than Enlil, he was the senior son and closer to royal succession because his mother, Anut, was Anu's senior sister, whereas Enlil's mother Ki, was Antu's junior. Therefore Enki claimed, "I am the great brother of the Gods. I am he who was born as the first son of the divine Anu".1 As such, it was his mother Antu who held the primary office of queen ship, and among her variously recorded titles, the later Kassite Kings of Mesopotamia called her the Lady of the Fire-stone, granting her the name Barat-Anna.
The Anunnaki overlords were said to have governed by way of a Grand Assembly of nine councilors who sat at Nippur. The nine consisted of eight members (seven males and a female), who held the Rings of divine justice, along with their president, Anu, who held the One Ring to bind them all. Not only does this conform with the nine kingdoms of the Volsunga Saga, which cites Odin (Wotan) as the ultimate presidential Ring Lord, but it is also commensurate with the seven archangels of Hebraic record along with their two supervisors, the Lord of the Spirits and the Most High (equivalent to Anu). As the original God-kings of Mesopotamia, this Assembly was said to have introduced kingly practice, which, according to the Sumerian King List was 'lowered from heaven'.
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There are scattered stories about the Knight's Templar that hint that the Sinclair clan hid a sacred treasure on Oak Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. The treasure may well be the evidence that the royal bloodline, from the arrival of the Sumerians through King David to Jesus, survived the Crucifixion and is somehow alive and intact in France or Scotland. This theory may damn the Catholic Church, which claims to be structured on rigid truths. It could be seen as evidence that the Arian concept of Jesus-as-man is more correct than the Roman Church's view of him as divine. Arius was a religious man who lived between 318-355 AD. He claimed that Jesus was mortal and was not the Son of God. [6]
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The Holy Grail itself may be a literary device for the vessel that carried the blood, or the bloodline, of Jesus. One Grail romance depicts Joseph of Arimathea as the man who brought the Grail to safety. Could Mary Magdalene have been the vessel herself, carrying the child of the martyred Messiah? [7]
Could the Grail be an allegory for the sacred bloodline of Jesus? The central thesis of Holy Blood, Holy Grail is that the 'Sangreal' is the Blood Royal of the family of Jesus. The Davidic kingship extended through the generations to Jesus and on through his wife, Mary Magdalene, to the descendants exiled in Roman Gaul. The family of Jesus was assimilated into Visigothic culture and in turn into the Merovingian dynasty, whose kings went out of their way to marry Visigothic princesses to continue their own line and merge the family with the family of the Davidic line. [8]
If we interpret the Holy Grail as the sacred bloodline, the Grail itself may comprise the documents, the written genealogies of the David-Jesus family. Robert de Boron, introduced in the 12th century, the genealogy of Percival, which extended from Joseph of Arimathea. De Boron is suspected of having been a tool for the Prieure de Sion to create legitimacy in their own kings as inheritors of the sacred bloodline. [9]
The Prieure de Sion, or Priory of Zion, is said to be the cabal behind many of the events that occurred at Rennes-le-Chateau. According to the Prieure's own documents, its history is long and convoluted. Its earliest roots are in some sort of Hermetic or Gnostic society led by a man named Ormus. This individual is said to have reconciled paganism and Christianity. The story of Sion only comes into focus in the Middle-Ages. In 1070, a group of monks from Calabria, Italy, led by one Prince Ursus, founded the Abbey of Orval in France near Stenay, in the Ardennes. [10]
Rennes-le-Chateau is a sleepy little village located on a hilltop in the French Pyrenees. It is also home to a 9th century church, which has been restored to 19th century elegance. This church is the corner stone of one of the world's greatest mysteries and was recently featured in the best selling novel by Dan Brown, 'The Da Vinci Code'.
This village is only a short distance from the Mediterranean and popular trading routes. Many settled here while others visited and fugitives hid valuables. Why treasures were buried and why their owners never returned to claim them is an unanswered question. Pilgrims rested here before beginning the strenuous trek through the mountain crossing on their way to Compostella in Spain. The valley of the Aude hides many secrets and the land abounds with legends of hidden treasure.
It is believed that its parish priest, abbé Bérenger Saunière, discovered a treasure during the 1880s and 1890s. The treasure was large enough that he not only renovated the church but also built a villa, complete with formal garden, a belvedere and a neo-gothic tower surrounded by restored medieval ramparts.
The Priory of Sion, a European secret society founded in 1099, is allegedly a real organization. In 1975 Paris' Bibliotheque Nationale discovered parchments known as Les Dossiers Secrets, identifying members of the Priory of Sion, including Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli, Victor Hugo and Leonardo da Vinci. [11]
The most famous Grail romance is entitled Parzival and was written sometime between 1195 and 1216. The author was Wolfram von Eschenbach, a Bavarian knight. In his tale Wolfram tells us about a heathen by the name of Flegetanis who is scholarly. He is descended from Solomon and was an Israelite until he was baptized. The origin of the story apparently comes from Toledo, Spain, which was the Judaic and Muslim center for esoteric studies. Flegetanis said that while watching the constellations he could see how man's affairs and destiny were connected. He also saw what he called the Grail and said that it was left on earth by angels. [12]
Since that time only baptized men who were chaste were allowed to guarded it.
This tale, when taken with all the information already presented, including the arrival of the Anunnaki, the lowering of kingship from heaven and the struggle to maintain the royal blood, begs the question - why was a story about the Grail being told by a baptized Israelite. Why was this story made available to infidels when Christians were unaware of its existence?
We have always been told that the Grail Quest was a tale about finding the chalice of Jesus or of finding the blood of Jesus. What if this assumption is wrong. Perhaps the Grail Quest is a Ring Quest: maintain the purity of the royal bloodline of the original kings and queens. The bloodline began with Adam, continued to David and was passed on to Jesus, always through the female of the family.
In The Lord of the Rings, Cinderella, Snow White and Robin Hood we see examples of the male and female royal bloodline heirs fighting dragons, defeating wicked witches or leading armies against dark lords, all for the purpose of continuing the purity of the bloodlines by seeking out their royal counterparts.
[1] Realm of the Ring Lords page 31
[2] Abid page 31
[3] Abid page 51
[4] Abid page 52
[5] Abid page 52
[6] The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar page 126
[7] Abid r page 126
[8] Abid 126
[9] The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail page 300
[10] Abid page 112
[11] Abid page 96
[12] Realm of the Ring Lords page 10
Dirk Vander Ploeg is the editor and publisher of UFODigest.com and PsiTalk.com. He has worked as a publisher and writer for travel related and other magazines. He has written the non-fiction book 'Quest for Middle-earth' which compares Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings' to ancient Earth history. He graduated from Mohawk College majoring in Communications.
Article from: http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/
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