Red Ice Membership

Earthkeeper Thoughts on Ancestors/Spirits and Winter Solstice

The rememberings continue and I am so grateful to the Spirits for helping bring these forward. I also will share what some teachers have been communicating with me recently. Remember, nothing I say is true unless it rings true for you…take what you want…leave the rest.

I share because I care. Hugs, Tracy

Shared by Tracy Younce 11/15/04

As I am recalling, at the Winter Solstice, when the veils are their thinnest, there is a natural force of Creation… a vacuum if you will…that draws the earthbound Spirits that have been unable to make their transition in the past year. They may be stuck because of confusion, fear, lust, attachments, guilt, or maybe just held by those in this world who are refusing to let their loved ones go. When that happens, a Spirit becomes stuck or earthbound. As I understand it, in Creation there is a force that is always drawing up, but when the veil is the thinnest at the Winter Solstice, it can vacuum or help those Spirits out to the portal and release them to the other side so they can continue their Spirit progression.

Now, there may be Spirits that have become fearful of meeting what they have created or engendered in the course of their lifetime. Fearful, because in transitioning, our Spirit transverses through the realm of our soul and meets each and everything we have created…all the love, all the beauty, all the fear, all the pain, everything…a full review and complete recapitulation of our life-time. For the Spirit who becomes earthbound, it seems that their fear stops them from seeing that the task, of course, is for that Spirit to embrace each and everything they have engendered during the course of the lifetime…to embrace what they have created with compassion and forgiveness or loving acceptance.

However, when a Spirit becomes so backed up against the guilt, the shame or fear of suffering and pain, whatever it may be, they break the connection to the other side and truly become earthbound, lost Spirits wandering. Some of those Spirits don’t want to cross over to the other side…they want to stay where they are…so fearful of the consequences of crossing over. The fear stops them from realizing there are no consequences in the sense that they fear. There is no punishment or great reward on the other side. There is only love. But because of their belief system over the course of their lifetime, the Spirit may remain so resistant that it may remain earthbound beyond the one-year opportunity of being drawn up the portal of the Winter Solstice. It may even roam this earth for years or for centuries. Over the centuries, many people have taken on the job of helping these Spirits to transition. However, there is a very important phenomenon that will be happening soon to help the earthbound Spirits, Mother Earth and us.

Recently, more than one elder/teacher has shared that we are in the midst of a cosmic occurrence. It is astronomically visible, a physical occurrence. As I understand it, if you were right now to face due east, to the place where the sun rises at the autumnal equinox 6,500 years ago, the band of stars we call the Milky Way, would have been aligned directly with the center point. Looking right at the base of the horizon, the center of the galaxy would be visible. Just as the moon revolves around the earth and the earth revolves around the sun, the sun revolves around the center of the galaxy. That place in the galaxy, if you were to look between the constellations Archer (Sagittarius) and Scorpion (Scorpio), is the placement of the center of our Galaxy. The Elders say that place is where the Spirit finally leaves this realm all together after all our lifetimes. You see, we travel the course of our lifetimes on the path of the Milky Way and then exit through that portal to the center when our lifetimes on Earth are done. So 6,500 years ago the Milky Way was aligned directly to that center and it was not to happen for another 26,000 years. However, because of the Earth’s wobble over the course of last 6, 500 years, that portal of grand exit in the Milky Way will be aligned precisely again with the center of the galaxy during the Winter Solstice of this year.

This is a grand situation that is occurring in our lifetimes. We will have two portals lined up in synchronization: the yearly portal that earthbound Spirits may exit through and the portal that draws the Spirit from its last journey of the lifetimes spent in this world. For Mother Earth and all earthbound Spirits, this is extraordinary. All Spirits that have been stuck or earthbound, due to their greed, fear, shame, or self-aggrandizement, will be drawn and lifted out and transited to the other side to continue their Spiritual progression. For Mother Earth, there will be a thorough housecleaning… a vacuuming of everything, as you will, a scrubbing of the grout, a removing of everything that is of the nature of debris thus providing a clean home on Mother Earth. The two portals will transit those earthbound Spirits harboring resentment, grudges, shame, guilt, fears and etc…thus removing those energies that have had such a negative influence on Mother Earth and her people for such a long time. The prophecies have spoken of this…there will be a new weaving of the matrix, the heart of Mother Earth. With this purging of the Earth from all that is not harmonious with the matrix, things could get a little tough for while. But we are not in the end times. We are in the beginning times where all life will continue anew at a more harmonious level by the year 2011. The time of the old concrete ways of control, power and greed will be gone. The new era will be a time of renewal, co-creation and harmony.

Thank you Creator.

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