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Bush the Best Thing that Could Happen
2004 11 05

By Fredrik Palmgren

Some say there never was any real election in the US just the old selection and I believe that they are right. From my perspective, living in Sweden, Bush is the best thing that could happen.

You are close to 300 million and only around 120 million people voted, I know that a lot of people aren't allowed to vote and what have you, but still, it's over folks, democracy?

I guess you have a republic, so what does that mean? Since the US is the self appointed world police (and for you with insight the US is going to play the bad cop) I am supposed to be very angry whit the US and protest, and both I have done, but in the bigger picture it gets kind of silly, when you know that it's theatre.

What I want to say is simply: WAKE UP AMERICA and I think Bush is going to wake up more people and faster then Kerry. Bush is all ready thoroughly investigated and researched, all the hours of documentary type films, archived internet radio and web material, his ties with 911 and all of the other countless smoking guns is all ready prepared, right now anyone can start spreading the word and the best part is that the facts is in our hands, with Kerry, that would only have stolen a lot of time.

I remember thinking what a loss in momentum it would have been if a new puppet got selected in to office. The wake up game is all that is left now; it is all that this culture has to offer anyone. A culture that is built on war will end in war...hmm who said something like that...... and since I don't live in the US, I guess that's easy for me to say, but I guess a country that started out by pushing away and killing millions of native Americans has a karmic price to pay, but that is the old culture, the one that we don't want right, the one that has no future, so all you wonderful people in the "us"
Be happy for this great gift and remember "it's never too late to give up" and as they say in star wars "there is always a bigger fish" I say there is always a bigger picture

peace&happines-:-fredrik palmgren

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