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Hotline to God
2006 10 15

By Christopher Moors |

Don’t look to others to determine if you are proceeding well on the path. There is no way anybody else can know the deepest part of you because this is precisely where your own unique divinity lies. Beware of adding more and more garbage to your cage by accumulating beliefs and knowledge. Pure truth is outside of the realm of the mind. This is an enormous threshold to overcome. Forces of darkness pump prepackaged thoughts straight into the minds of the masses through every means possible. TV, Radio, Signs, and most dangerously of all, once an individual is co-opted, they become an agent of the forces that have subverted their soul.

People gather around and support each other’s illusions. Using the talking points that have been provided for them by media outlets, they feel good in being “informed”. Imprisoning themselves in a bubble of deception, they think they are “secure”. The more they are crushed, the safer they believe themselves to be. This is mainly because their reality has been turned inside out. After awhile they become so attached to being controlled and abused that they are terrified to leave. Anybody who comes to save them from this HELL ON EARTH will be seen as an enemy because their cherished systems must come crashing down for salvation to be possible.

You can dismantle this leviathan bit by bit, or you can leap out of the false perception of self by getting distance from the mind. I can guarantee to you that this is something that can be achieved. Most American’s Minds have a stranglehold on them. To the rest of the world, consider this when you see madness raging this way and that. Americans are pumped full of propaganda, straight into this mind. They are told again and again that this is who they are. Since they do not know themselves because meditation, art, and music are almost nowhere to be found, they are susceptible and weak. They are trained early on in school to operate solely through the mind, as if that was all there is.

Many Americans are like shadows; empty bodies of habit bumping into each other and the world. There is no way an outsider can possibly know what it is like to be here. It is like a bad acid trip that never ends. All of the noble qualities in humanity are shunned. Such things as truth, integrity, trust, and love are discarded for empty belief, raw power, and gross self-indulgence. Most are far past the point of no return and will indeed careen right off the cliff with their demonic leaders. If you consider the phenomenon of 1000s of people that believe exactly the same thing, you will start to see more deeply into what is occurring. All whose hearts and minds have been corrupted essentially operate as a hive. Anybody not in the hive will be collectively shunned.

Those of you who still have heart, individuality, and the courage to carry on bless you. Know this control mechanism and stay true to yourself. Be a self contained unit of bliss. Life on Earth is still as beautiful and wondrous as it ever was if you can unplug yourself from the machine. Unravel all the crap and see life again for the first time. It is an intricate and unlikely series of events that provides you this opportunity for self discovery. Battles with your fellow human beings simply distract you from the essential cause. All the noise is on the surface. The depth of the ocean is where you’ll find the mysteries. People and ideas come and go. Truth carries on throughout eternity. Take the time to connect with your own natural gifts and you will see that this is the hotline to God.

~Christopher Moors

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