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Build an Alternative Approach to Life
2006 10 24

By Christopher Moors |

Have we passed the point of complacency to where we openly acknowledge the brutality being committed in the name of God and country while choosing to simply go about our own business? Making each minor adjustment necessary for our own life to accommodate increasing restriction, we dig a deeper and deeper hole where the cries of our fellow human beings on the other side of the globe are nothing more than an echo of something in the dark reaches of our subconscious. The heart gets closed out because it is the only way to carry on such an existence. The view gets narrower and narrower to just the tiniest of slivers. Intolerance of dissent grows, and the fanatical radicals draw a big circle around their kind and look at everybody else as the enemy.

Take no notice of the camera on the corner. Don’t worry about the blackmail potential of a government or corporation that has tracked every click you have ever made on the internet (past included). Keep saying that the other guy is bad when he gets spirited away for a no-trial crucifixion; it is the best way to keep them from coming for you. It is not so surprising that scape-goating can happen on a grander scale then simply that of a domestic domicile. Just like an abusive household where a know-it-all dad harms his family and then blames anyone who speaks up, this country is in a vicious psychological trap with a plentitude of enablers. Standing up for truth and resisting the entropy of denial is the way to remain an autonomous sovereign individual.

Why this type of person is becoming more and more of a scarcity is a quirk of history. You would think that together as a civilization we would continue to make progress, but consider that in every war that has occurred, the loser’s philosophy gets just about totally banned. War after war, there are now dozens of groups whose philosophies are completely thrown out. Is it really true that the loser of every war’s platform was 100% wrong? Sometimes millions believed in an idea to the point of sacrificing everything, but history will erase the sincerity of their convictions because due to circumstance, they ended up on the losing side of a struggle. With fewer and fewer thought options, the potential for the full expression of human evolution gets squeezed out.

Going about their pre-programmed habits, many repeat the same cycles until dropping the body. Emotions and love do not necessarily arise as a part of everybody’s incarnation experience. Substitutions with similar nomenclatures replace the actual experience for one who has been cut off from their essential divine nature. What is the best way to instigate this desperate state of affairs? Teach the ancient belief systems and lock the young into support of your personal positions. Then they are finished before they ever begin. Later a world of 50 year old juveniles will insist that their way is the only way and that they are never incorrect. Any who would seek to show them the obvious error of their ways will be attacked as the one creating problems.

This is possible because the former basics of humanity have been almost erased from our cultural paradigm. Art, music, and philosophy are buried and made to be untenable careers. Selling poison pills is a much more honorable profession in this society. There is never a lack of positions in the field of advertising…always remember sex sells. One who questions the status quo will be shamed, while one who gets “involved” in supporting their local political worshipper of death will be praised. “Get those enemies” is proclaimed without the understanding that what they are fighting is their own inner demons. Projecting their unacknowledged wounds, they prove themselves correct by creating that which they fear. It is best to steer clear of the carnage.

Find your friends, and get to work on building an alternative approach to life.

~Christopher Moors

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