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The Hero Archetype, Part 1 & 2
2006 07 17

By Gnostic One |

Richard Sauder wrote shortly after the events of 911 that "we are participating in a Black Majic show … every last person on this planet is being sucked into this thing and we need to understand that and deal with it." So, how have people 'dealt with it'? Many Americans still slumber on in denial, oblivious to the precariousness of their situation or else resigned to it like the musicians who played on while the Titanic sank ever deeper in the cold, black waters of the North Atlantic. Others, a few individuals, have chosen to follow Richard Sauder's advice from the article that introduces this 'diatribe' – "Do not participate in the warfare. If you find yourself in the military, consider leaving as soon as practicable". ( ) With what we now know about depleted uranium poisoning the Iraqi environment and even that of its psuedo-enemy in this Black Majic show, Israel, his advice is apt, indeed. We should cheer and support the decision of U.S. Army Lieutenant Ehren Watada to disobey an order and not return to an illegal war.

"At the June 7 press conference announcing his decision, Watada argued that the Administration's invasion and occupation of Iraq was "manifestly illegal" because it "violates our democratic system of checks and balances. It usurps international treaties and conventions that by virtue of the Constitution become American law. Watada also said, "As the order to take part in an illegal act is ultimately unlawful as well, I must as an officer of honor and integrity refuse that order." (
) Obviously, when Bush declared, "You're either with us or against us," something in this man's heart was listening. The illusion of the Black Majic show holds no sway over his vision of humanity and the rule of law among men and women, co-equal creators of the society we purport to live in. Nor should we conclude that this show is about Republican politics alone. Many writers more prolific and experienced than I have pointed out the true nature of the right and left wings of the One War American Party. When Jonathan Tasine announced his candidacy in New York and challenged Senator Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary we learned where her values were/are – she's apparently in the "you're with us" camp of Zionist-handled politicians who 'profit' from war-mongering (the opposite of 'right livelihood' as defined in Buddhism). "Senator Clinton is out of step with the values of a majority of New Yorkers. While a majority of New Yorkers support an end to the war, Senator Clinton has repeatedly voiced her support for a war that continues to accumulate unacceptable costs, in terms of American and Iraqi lives and our own government spending, explained Tasini." ( Cindy Sheehan also knows which camp she is in. Now, on hunger strike near the White House, her personal integrity as a genuine spokesperson for peace is undeniable. Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a slain soldier in Iraq whose protests outside George Bush's ranchette in Crawford, Texas, made her one of the country's most prominent anti-war advocates, has been almost as vocal in her criticism of pro-war Democrats as she has been of the president.

"ALBANY, N.Y. – Cindy Sheehan, who became the face of anti-war sentiment after her son died in Iraq, urged foes of the war to thwart Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's political aspirations unless the New York Democrat opposes the conflict. "I believe that any candidate who supports the war should not receive our support," Sheehan said today in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. "It doesn't matter if they're Senator Clinton or whoever." (

Senator Clinton seems to represent a certain class of New Yorkers who are also in the "you're with us" camp. Those New Yorkers are the same people afraid to offend the sensibilities of the Jewish community and its voters, afraid to produce a play about the moral awakening of a young American activist, Rachel Corrie, who chose her camp early on and was bulldozed into the ground for it. "When she died on March 16, 2003, Rachel Corrie had been in the Middle East for fifty days as a member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a group recruiting Westerners to serve as 'human shields' against Israeli aggression – including the policy of bulldozing Palestinian houses. Corrie's horrifying death was a landmark event. It linked Palestinian suffering to the American progressive movement." Rachel had buckets of the courage of her convictions – so obviously lacking among American politicians. I am not proposing that we all place our body in front of bulldozers but the emphasis is upon making a moral choice about war – all war. Wars of aggression are illegal, by whatever definition we care to choose. Why don't more politicians or so-called world leaders possess the moral courage of a Rachel Corrie? Some do – they just aren't American. The ones we did have – like Martin Luther King – are gone. We need a new generation of like-minded people. Unfortunately, the 'so-called' enemy in this Black Majic show, seem to be the only ones with leaders possessing that courage, such as the former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who said on February 24, 2003 in a summit meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement:

"War must be outlawed. That will have to be our struggle for now. We must struggle for justice and freedom from oppression, from economic hegemony. But we must remove the threat of war first. With this Sword of Democles hanging over our heads we can never succeed in advancing the interests of our countries. War must therefore be made illegal. The enforcement of this must be by multilateral forces under the control of the United Nations. No single nation should be allowed to police the world, least of all to decide what action to take, when." ( Well, if Mr. Bush (I won't respect him with the word, president!) would have us all decide whether or not "you're with us or not", I can only respond with a refutation of his apparent definition of "US". Who accepts the definitions of a madman? Instead, I look to other humans to relate to, those who haven't yet been bitten by the 'rabid dogs of war' profligate upon our planet. I look to other role models for 'heroes' that I can accept – who are "immune" from the bite of a rabid war dog. I hope I'm also immune and, at least, not a 'carrier' of their demented mindset – one that seems determined to kill us all.

"Why is it that people create war? War begins with denial. One group decides that their cause is greater and that the other group's cause does not exist. Causes become greater, and human beings are reduced to nothing. People fight because they give more legitimacy to their causes than to human life. In their rationalizations, they have diminished the value of human life. The first time someone came up with the idea that a cause was greater than human life, the balance was upset, and it has continued to get worse. Human beings will fight when they do not understand what life is all about, because in wars we squander life. War does not exist only on the battlefield. At home, without a war, we squander life." ( So, Mr. Bush, I am definitely NOT one of your defined "US". I identify with and take to heart the people who can still speak the above words. They are the heroes of this generation. Only one as demented as you are could twist the truth so out of shape that it becomes the Black Majic mantra of an evil sorcerer, or Zionist handled piece of toxic effluvia. May your reign upon such a trash heap of lies and psyops-generated dementia perish as soon as your so-called Emperor's clothes are exchanged for a war crimes prisoner's orange jumpsuit!

The Hero Archetype, Part 2

"A great many of the world's wars have been in the name of a greater cause, a vast murderous rampage of ethnic, religious and political conquest tied into the assertion of the core need of identity. In every one of these cases the Great Father sacrifices his children, particularly his sons, in the name of the cause. There is a dramatic painting by the Spanish artist Francisco de Goya that shows Saturn eating his children. A significant part of the patriarchal matrix is the appearance of the Son, or of the Hero, who represents the individual ego. Jesus is the good son who models obedience and offers a way for his followers to avoid the promised apocalypse. But just as there is the good son there is also the evil son. King Arthur was eventually killed by his own son, Mordred. There is a family tragedy at play here. It contains the awful reality of patricide, fratricide and incest. This drama is played out everyday as sons and daughters attempt to create a separate identity and escape the psychological games of the family. Some never make it and remain locked in a psychological inner family. This is an important point because it happens to cultures as well. " ( Which culture is in search of its identity? Can we relate this little drama to our present predicament in America? I think so. The family in this little drama must include those Americans who have identified with it the most strongly – the Zionist Christian's so-called moral majority. In reality, this 'family' has never represented the majority of what Americans believe in. Is our American culture, in its ignorance and search for identity, faced with a crisis of confidence in American values as they have been programmed into us – primarily, the capitalist lifestyle and its negative consequences for all but a tiny elite at the top of the pyramid? Again, I think so. The rest of us, the people not identified with George Bush's "US" are the sons and daughters of a nation tired of the 'mind games' of our sick relatives. It is time that the rest of us identify ourselves by NOT staying tuned into the Orwellian mindset of our government less we become lemmings following Bush into the darkness of his vision. We must 'act out' the drama of the true Hero, Christ, to avoid the apocalypse and ignore the 'tortured' rants and lies of the evil son, Mordred, presently being acted out by George Bush. "Bush has been taken over by an unconscious complex of the collective unconscious. We speak of a mother complex, or a father complex, but Bush has what we could call a savior complex. Jung said, "The savior complex is an archetypal image of the collective unconscious, and it quite naturally becomes activated in an epoch so full of trouble and disorientation as ours. Bush told an Amish group in 2004 that "God speaks through me." Bush imagines that God actually speaks to him as well; in 2003 he told Palestinian ministers that God told him to invade Iraq. Jung commented, "One should listen to the inner voice attentively, intelligently and critically, (Probate spiritus!) [test the spirits], because the voice one hears is the influxus divinus consisting, as the Acts of John aptly state, of "right" and "left" streams, i.e., of opposites. They have to be clearly separated so that their positive and negative aspects become visible." John 4:1 says, "Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God." Just because one hears an inner voice doesn't necessarily mean it is the voice of God. Listened to uncritically, we could just as easily be seduced by the Devil." (Bush is Certifiable It says in the Bible that we shall identify evil-doers by their actions. If we are to judge George Bush by his actions, by his support for torture, lies, and illegal wars, his behavior can only identify him as the 'evil son', lost in his own sick egomaniacal delusion of being God's chosen messenger. In Part 1, I identified some true heroes, acting in the spirit of the good son, who Jesus would love and recognize if he were with us today. I believe his second-coming has already occurred – but people just don't see it. The author of the above judgement of Bush, Paul Levy, also says, "Christ's saying from the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas comes to mind, 'The kingdom is spread all over Earth and people just don't see it. Seeing the universe in this way is not a question of belief or figuring something out via the intellectual mind; rather it is a matter of experiential realization." Bush and his family of "US" is definitely out of touch with this reality. Now seems the time for each individual to realize his or her own role as a Good Son (the inner 'Christ') and start to act it out. All of us – more and more of us – NOT George Bush's US – must act together until the whole planet awakes from his nightmare that threatens this planet.

"Our current planetary situation is clearly one of great instability. Chaos theory points out that times such as these, in which there is a high level of chaos, are actually 'supersensitive' situations, which are much more highly responsive to the smallest change or fluctuation in the system. This literally means that a change in any single individual's consciousness can potentially have an amplified effect on the entire system, in a way that was unimaginable and simply not possible before September 11. Never before in the history of humankind has consciousness itself been of such importance." (Achieving Gnosis of the Divine Most people will scoff at the idea that one person can make a difference. Politicians, however, still rely on this belief because they know it is true. Their dishonesty is in their manipulation of the masses into believing that it is the politician who is the 'one' that can make the difference. They know how easy it is to fool the unsuspecting person that has forgotten his or her own individual power. It is all too easy to pass off the responsibility for an individual's own actions onto the authority figure or the psuedo-leader, the so-called experts at being responsible. Nothing could be further from the truth. We too easily forget the examples of the remarkable individuals among us who prove my point, or else, we never hear their stories, or if we do, it's only for 5 minutes on the T.V. every once in a while. Well, here is a story for the record books. Imagine a mother and her son, ordinary members of an ordinary family with nothing going for them except the community of 'real' people they live with that can be counted on during a crisis. The mother wasn't even religious. In a nutshell, the mother and son drown – actually die – in a car crash underwater, and the mother not only survives but organizes a 72-hour prayer session for her son involving the members of her community – each individual only giving of their love for 20 minutes at a time. Her son, brain dead in the hospital and organs dissolving, made a full recovery and is with us today. ( Each individual who prayed for this boy – 20 whole minutes out their life – helped bring another individual back from death. I don't recall anyone ready to pray over the 'brain dead' Sharon. Who wants to bring back a monster from the grave, another Frankenstein? There are many other stories like this – all too easily forgotten in our daily rush to survive the rat race we have involved ourselves in to realize the great capitalist dream. I envision this mother's example of her love for her son, her inner Christ child, manifested in all of us, as the very antithesis of the patriarchal father who devours his son. Well, I would rather live in this woman's dream (her US) than George Bush's nightmare (his US) Think about it. What kind of hero will you dream yourself to be?

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