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The Principle of Existence - A Theory of Everything
2006 02 04

By Harald Maurer |

We do not evade the most difficult of all questions. How far is it from diffusely sensing the environment to recognising the own EGO? Is consciousness simply a component of matter, assigned to it, accepted as existing without further explanation - some kind of cosmic consciousness… or are things not so simple?

What kind of vibration or oscillation creates or reflects the world in our head so clearly that we can act and think in it – in this imaginary world? Which part does the thinking? The brain? The sense organs – or only the two combined?

Is Consciousness Located in the Whole Body or Only in the Head?
If the ears are microphones and the eyes cameras… where is the receiver of these neuronal transmissions – this centre of perception, this EGO, this consciousness of everything that surrounds us and constitutes us?

How the memory and the consciousness come into existence, though, one still has only little idea of. And despite intensive research one could of course not localise a certain region or structure of the brain which is responsible for our conscious thinking – because they do not exist at all.

For instance, the name of our neighbour is said to be stored in the temporal lope whereas the brain allegedly memorises his outer appearance in the parietal lope. Just like every tree has a corresponding bough branching into its crown from every branching of its root system, every part of the body has its correspondence in the neuronal branchings of the brain as well. But that does not mean that the body part is represented only in this place.

This section of the brain is practically the address to turn to, the junction of all incoming and outgoing information, and works only like a switching system. When we switch on our room illumination it doesn’t mean that the current is created in the switch – actually, however, neurobiologists are regularly taken in by such fallacies when they think there is something like a “language area” or a “visual field“ etc.

The truth is they only found the “switches“ because it is always the whole brain which is involved in the phenomena. The switching station is that place where the instinctive result of the “thinking activity” is transferred into the consciousness by triggering the corresponding actions: it is only there that the neurons become commanders which “spur” the executive organs in the truest sense of the word via the nervous system.

Are There Any Memory Molecules?
The second great error of some molecular biologists is the assumption that the contents of the memory are transformed into some material structure, like a “memory molecule” so to speak.

But there surely aren’t any “memory molecules“ which could mean something in particular. All theories aiming at that come to nothing from beginning to end.

The biologists among our readers will think of the famous flatworm experiments which created the impression, and just with a few researchers only, as if something learned could be passed on by transplanting brain substance or by feeding trained animals to untrained ones. These experiments can be better interpreted with the explanation that the supply of RNA increases the ability to learn as was to be expected. Actually no flatworm adopted the learned matter of its cannibalistic meal; it only learned a little faster.

Very similar experiments were carried out on rats. With them, there also was an increase in the readiness to learn through the supply of RNA. This is just logical because the requirement of the brain for RNA is enormous.

We should again emphasise that the brain creates patterns by destroying RNA. These patterns “learn” or remember something. The short-term memory is only a temporally limited continued vibration of a pattern whereas the long-term memory results from the fact that the patterns are determined permanently by the corresponding growth of dendrites and synapses. That means the equivalent for an experience, no matter of what kind a pattern - an electro-magnetic field to be exact - is which remains in the brain structure, where it continues vibrating.

Thinking at Almost Timeless Speed
With all due respect for the speed of molecular processes, the development of memory molecules would really take too long. We know, however, that we can think at an almost timeless speed and even on different levels of consciousness at the same time.

The essential point of the thinking pattern is coupling the vibrational patterns. When we record two musical instruments onto one groove in the record, they cannot be reproduced separately anymore - provided we are talking about a mono record. It is only one groove, one needle, and one loud-speaker - but it plays back both instruments clearly distinctive from each other (and as for the rest the carrier frequency, which remains inaudible to our ears).

On a video tape, image and sound are coupled in a similar way. And that was also the crucial point for the development of thought and the formation of the consciousness: the coupling of image and sound and other sensory impressions.

Many animals demonstrate by imitation that they “comprehend” certain signs and gestures of the others - this behaviour is particularly strongly developed with apes and monkeys. They imitate optical appearances, i.e. postures or grimaces.

The Carpenter Effect
This process is based on a clearly recognisable coupling: a perceived sight triggers certain body functions and movements because they also belong causally to this sight. That means signals can contain coded events, and that can also mean acoustic signals. Animals “think” in these signals which are not only coupled with the modes of behaviour but also with the images which well up in the perceiver. We still find this principle of imitation in every organism – as unconscious process of the ideomotor activity as well, as so-called Carpenter effect.

When we are watching a football player, our own muscles are measurably moving analogous to his pattern of movement. The patterns of movement of the football player (and all other patterns which define him) are “compared” to the patterns in the structure of our neurons; if there are similar patterns, they are intensified and even trigger motor reflexes. We imitate the football player, and therefore we “understand” his appearance, therefore we become “aware” of him because the triggered muscular motor activity has in turn an effect on the vibrational pattern… and this again has an effect on the motor activity… etc.

That means the football player triggers a vibration in us which comprises the whole nervous system including the sense organs and the motor synapses – and that is (!) the consciousness!

The human organism has perfected this principle: it did not only imitate optical forms of appearance but also the sound which the observed object caused and for that reason, it uttered the sound when it wanted to designate the same thing (children’s language!). In the brain matrix, the associated visual patterns were coupled with these acoustic patterns - and in this way was nothing else but language was created.

Sounds Became Words
All languages of this world go back to primitive languages which are very similar to each other because they were directly derived from the concepts by imitation. Richard Fester is even of the opinion that the archetypes of the most important words match absolutely in all languages of the world.

Combining pictures with sounds and words was one revolutionary innovation because with that another tremendous flood of information was created: the intellectual evolution. The pictographic system of writing finally resulted from the imitation of environment by recording it on information carriers of all kinds, and script developed from that.

The more capable of learning a living thing was, that means the more learning matrixes could be laid down in its brain, the more extensive the combination of picture, sound, and symbol became. In the end, there was a creature whose brain had developed the greatest capacity of all, or to put it more precisely, had to develop it in order to survive: exactly ourselves…

Balance prevails in a learning matrix only when all coupled patterns belonging to a vibrational structure have been stimulated into vibration after the vibrational structure was excited by a sense organ. In turn these patterns promptly activate the sense organs belonging to them (repercussion).

In the computer, we saw the learning matrix as one plane so to speak; in the brain, many such planes lie above or within one another and they are all connected with each other functionally. For that reason, all vibrational patterns have to be understood three-dimensionally. For simplicities sake, however, we will continue talking about planes, although we know that these planes are practically interlaced with each other.

Hearing With Our Eyes?
Because of the inseparable couplings, a word (e.g. “trumpet“) or a sound coded as a vibrational pattern – the ear alone accepts only vibrations – makes not only all pertaining acoustic planes vibrate but the optical planes as well which, as a result, - and that is the important thing - simulate (imitate) the picture in the corresponding sense organs (retina). And from there the picture goes back to the brain - but the appertaining plane has already been activated – and the whole process is repeated until a new stimulus comes from outside. The consequence: we do not only “hear“ with our ears but also with our eyes in that moment when we identify the sound as “trumpet“.

Now we understand immediately the reason why the nervous system exists in two “copies” so to speak. Without this double arrangement there would be no process which created awareness.

The complete book is available as a free download:Edition Mahag

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