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God, Christ, Americans, and the Universe
2006 02 18

By C. Moors |

Artwork by Chris Moors. See more prints

Is there Life elsewhere in the Universe? Now really, this question is laughable. How small the mind must be to hold on to stones and pretend that there is no such thing as music! A better question might be, “Is there somewhere that Life’s all pervasive touch hasn’t penetrated?” Even this is absurd in that both Life and Non-Life are of the same Source. When you become aware of but one atom of consciousness, you suddenly become aware of them all.

It is humorous to see both friend and enemy approach and know that behind the ruckus is the same God beaming through. I say silently to myself, “I see you.” The joke is at long last fulfilled, because what good is a joke without a punch-line? Popping into people from above, you can literally walk a mile in another man’s shoes. If others can also learn this, we can truly walk without limits. No need for drama, when the lessons have all been understood. As you realize the truth, the situation created to teach you will evaporate. Perhaps if you finally get IT, your wars will disappear.

Those of darkness are echoes of light. That is why they are so good at using smoke and mirrors. Those of light can rejoice at the influx of new energies available at this time. The responsibility that comes with this gift is the interweaving of the 4D astral with the 3D physical world. Do you see? We do not lose anything as we move forward. We extend….we reach….we absorb….we grow…. The religions of the past have been frozen within the mind of man. They can become more beautiful as they meet in the transcendent middle where all their deepest mysteries unite. Some debate this back and forth, but all things are what we make them into.

To Americans in miserable jobs who are in depression: If only you would throw away your pills and take the risk to live the dream in your heart, the current ugliness would be transformed. Love is the answer…not the only one, but the one most specifically applicable to humanity at this time and place. This is tricky to grasp for those who have made the conclusion that Love is the single and only aspect of God. Wisdom is every bit as much God, as is raw Energy. There are so many qualities, each with its own beauty and resonance. Love is Good and Necessary; enjoy and drink deeply from the wellspring. Always keep moving.

Do not go to a fortune teller for the future. Create it the way you wish it would turn out. Empower yourself by becoming free of the dogmatic ties that bind. Unravel the mess of false beliefs. To those who insist that Jesus is the single and only way to Heaven: Grow up! Jesus developed himself to the point of where he was a vessel for the Christ Consciousness/Christos. He was Universal; something for humanity to aspire to….a glimpse into their own future. How things get misconstrued over the ages! The very thing that could have led to freedom becomes a prison when in the hands of those who are of service to self. Who are they? Well, who attempts to make you dependent? Anybody who truly Loves you and has your best interest in mind would help you to find your own dignity/divinity. For those of you who constantly ask, “WWJD?” Now you know. He would tell you not to focus on the ridiculous details you have tried to apply His teachings to, but to look inwards and use His example as a model for your own self-discovery.

C. Moors, Pearly Gates Press

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Related: On the Path to the Christos

Courage of the Lion Hearted

Source, Soul and Body Glow

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