Our planet has become a toxic landfill because men's rituals obscure reality
2005 11 12
By John Kaminski | rense.com
for Barbra-renée Brighenti
"... the wisest and best men are those who are ashamed."
- Edward Dahlberg
When you glance at a distant light in the sky, all you see is a little blur. As you get closer, via telescope or spaceship, more definition comes into focus, and you begin to see more detail. Should your vision approach the object closely enough, what began as a little sparkle in the dark suddenly becomes an incredibly dazzling infinity far beyond our limited mortal comprehension. Just take a close look at the Sun sometime, or perhaps the baby star factory in the sword of Orion, and speculate on whether any of these glorious objects might actually be alive, as Rudolf Steiner once insisted.
Not so coincidentally, the concept of monotheism envelops us in a glare of the same blinding radiance. Nothing is possible beyond God, so many people say. Looking at the light of God from afar, we see only a beautiful, inspiring star. Everyone sees it, regardless of their religious training. As we get more familiar with it, we see the blemishes and corruptions of mortal men pretending to be immortal, but we still don't lose our faith that there is still someone to talk to in situations of dire stress or grief.
However, in our zeal for fusion with the infinite and everlasting, we fail to see the bleeding that is actually caused by adherence to such systems, which are polluted by false claims owing to the existential necessity of producing an antidote to human mortality, claims which of course are empirically false on their face. These false claims are directly related to all the false wars which plague us today.
And the idea is central to comprehending the collective cognitive information gap that exists in our world today, a gap which skews all information in favor of salesmen rather than the gullible consumer who is about to be fleeced. And thus it has always been. Mercury, the god of communication, has always worked for the highest bidder. One person's scam is another's vocation.
Consider the gap between what happened on September 11, 2001 and what the world now accepts as having happened.
When you do that, at least two thought processes occur: You contemplate all the carnage that has been perpetrated in the name of 9/11 since 9/11, and if you look closely enough - Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, Lusitania - you see a profoundly daunting, 200-year panorama of the fierce capitalist beast ravaging the planet and then telling brittle tales of heroism to the licentious toadies back home.
What is the 9/11 gap, exactly?
White-haired theology professor David Ray Griffin, as respectable a man as corrupt American society can currently produce, said the other day at a church in New York City that the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center "can now be proved beyond a reasonable doubt" (which of course was obvious to many of us three years ago).
Yet the official fare of world TV and corporate shill newspapers remains that Arab terrorists did the vile deed. It's the corporate party line, part of the social conditioning that keeps the masses prepped for war and willing to sacrifice their children for the lies of their leaders.
And most of us are lost in that distorted fog of cognitive dissonance, hammered down by Dubya's repetition of "I have to keep repeating the same stuff so we can make the propaganda sink in."
Mass media regards their readers as malleable robotoids, and makes no pretense they are going to change their ways. This, too, directly relates to false claims for false wars, the vicious prevarications of Judith Miller and thousands of other intellectual prostitutes deliberately misleading their listeners into unquestioning support of mass murder on a grand scale.
On one side of the gap are the cynical lies of Dick Cheney and his personal business contacts about Arab hijackers and the CIA/Mossad-sponsored Iraqi resistance. On the other side is the human reality of dead mothers, deformed babies, and a 9/11 story that is totally false, because in fact the highest movers and shakers in the American, British and Israeli governments engineered 9/11 and all those other false flag terror operations around the world
Stuck in the middle, the human species remains trapped - buffeted, fleeced and in many cases murdered - in the psychological penumbra of a consensual reality that simply does not match up with the real emotional reality of our beloved world, the reality you feel when you nurse your child.
We are forced to believe lies, and then asked to make decisions about life and death based upon those lies. Not a productive way to run a planet.
This gray area - this perceptual gap - that keeps human society in the dark - especially those intellectuals who think they actually know what's happening, but don't .... this fundamental distortion of what they say happened against what actually did happen is exactly what is poisoning all of us.
Put more simply, failure to tell the truth results in a lie. And the human race is living a lie, for failing to see what real life is all about. What we agree makes us human is our compassion for other beings less fortunate, and a willingness to lend a hand. Yet poverty makes criminals of us all, and those who exploit sit back and become profitable puppeteers. It's all a lie. Human reality is looking your father in the eye and realizing he will never go where you will go. So why would you participate in the killing of his other sons?
Cindy Sheehan's son died for nothing, he died for a lie. And yet even if you are a so-called antiwar activist, you support that lie by not overthrowing your own criminal government which is solely responsible for so much heartache in the world - and doing so immediately. As long as you don't do that, you are complicit in these crimes, and become the very reason why they are happening.
Because you didn't do anything about it.
Zeus and the Goddess
The Goddess has no name we know not given to her by men. Athena was not the real goddess because she had been created by the mind of man. In Euripides' words, "Athena sprung fully formed from the brain of Zeus." So too the women of today have been masculinized - consumerized - by the warped strictures of men controlling commodities, of which human females are clearly the most valuable. (Study the Tenth Commandment.)
One day as a child, Zeus met the real Goddess and never forgot her. In fact deep in Robert Graves' "Greek Myths" you find Zeus spent the rest of his endless life hopelessly searching for her, never to find her again. Blessed are those who are not that unlucky.
And who learn that the power of the home that shapes us all is not who or what we presumed it to be.
The world runs because of the power of women, the automatic, unceasing, instinctual caring for her brood. It has been the same way throughout evolution, with Mother Nature and Father Sun providing every single ingredient for humans to grow into the wondrous beings that can see to the end of the universe and care for a small child at the same time.
The mother's force is what what carries the world. All that endless work behind the scenes, without pay, without acknowledgment, and all those children sent out into the world wrapped in love. No wonder that most kids can see the real deal automatically; they see it with their hearts, most of which have been recently puffed up when Mom lovingly tucked that scarf snugly into some small collar, or gave the last ounce of rice in the hut to her starving son.
Women have been evicted from the heart of man and turned into commodities, even though men spend their lives insisting they live for their women. How does it come to be, if that is the case, that human females have been wrapped in men's mental razor wire throughout history.
Women have been forced out of the home and into the cutthroat world of men where there is an automatic hazard waiting for them. Like wolves on a ledge over a well-traveled riding trail, there are things in the world that threaten our survival. Mostly they are lies told by people to make money. Society is boobytrapped with self-interest groups which believe everything is justified to further their cause. When this rule is in effect, no rational debate is possible until the corrupt rationales of the self-interest groups are adequately identified.
I guess it's a matter of this. People get away with stuff out in the world that their mothers would never permit them to do as children. How did that come to be, and why do we let the world run this way?
We live in a world today in which the motivational factors of social groups are increasingly irrelevant. Accidents of geography and genetics are being erased by the universal ubiquity of the Internet, and web surfing observers in Zambia are suddenly finding they have a better view of the world than truculent techies in downtown San Francisco.
Ironic that the information explosion caused by the Internet started in America and has greatly expanded the education of the world world, yet the whole world now knows far more about America than Americans do, and the picture isn't pretty. Its senseless fangs are now revealed for all to see.
Do you really know what your country has done, and is doing? Then you're an accomplice.
Why do people do these things? What is it they are afraid of? Would you do what they do? Have you done what they've done?
The rhythm of the stars
The major dichotomy in all religions at all times is our need to believe vs. what to believe in.
This subtle distinction also pertains to the gap between what the big newspapers print as fact and what we know to be true that they refuse to report - like the 38 Israeli investors who profited from 9/11 foreknowledge or the mysterious man who blew himself up recently, very near a large football stadium full of people in Oklahoma, and practically nothing was said in the aboveground media. Such a great silence tends to envelop all recent catastrophic events. The Zionist spin control mechanism is much more pervasive than most people realize (since it starts in first grade and has been put in place in most of the world).
The minute organized religions start inventing fictions to justify their control over the minds of the human population is when humans lose track of their true purpose, which is to evolve, develop, and nurture every single thing they come in contact with. And above all, do no harm.
But the wrathful Father in the musty books has His rules. Where he got them, only God knows. This twisted Jehovah once threatened the legendary David (a character who most definitely does not exist in empirical history) with having all of David's many "wives" raped in front of him because Yahweh didn't like David's attitude.
What the human species has done to its women it has done to its planet - fouled its own nest.
After all, as I have recently learned, love is about surrender, not negotiation.
It's only because men continue to be terrified of their own deaths that they invent all these magical strategies for mortality immunization. And that's all a lie.
Remember Becker. "Man is a frightened animal who must lie in order to live."
Monotheism sits like a black cloud over human intelligence, retarding scientific education with demonstrably false dogma that it waves over the heads of humanity like the heartless hammer it is. See it my way or you will fry in the lake of fire, prattles the preacher.
Soon to follow (in every case) is the not-so-subtle urging, "Kill the infidel, kill the Amalek, kill the heathen .... kill everyone who is not like us." This is your God.
None for me, thanks.
Here's the deal, my fellow humans. Mom doesn't condone this kind of behavior. If you are practicing it, you are lost, no matter how many peripatetic pedigrees your deity claims to possess.
You are lost because you have lost the love of your mother, that kept you alive and thriving all these millennia.
You have lost the love of Mother Earth, because you have not cared for her. In case you were wondering, she doles out the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the life you live.
Why would you pretend to protect her, but then abuse her?
It's because you don't understand.
Why don't you understand?
It's because you've forgotten who you are, and the human race is trapped in an illusion of its own making, crafted out of fear of a darkness it cannot - and most probably will never - comprehend.
But mothers know of cycles; in fact, they are a cycle. With the rhythm of the stars pulsing in their bloodstream like the throbbing veins in a newborn baby's bald head, there is no question about priorities, and certainly none about geopolitical intrigues.
The human species is about to kill itself by failing to recognize its connection to everything else. By dividing humanity into competing segments all trumpeting their own ignorance, it has conquered itself with its own fear.
Your mother would not have permitted this, as you know.
What is your idea of peace and prosperity? A gaggle of happy children works for me.
What is it we seek in our most vulnerable, inmost hearts?
This is my prescription for the future direction the human species should take, voluntarily. Make and plan and follow it.
What is the goal?
To make laughter reign beyond the Sun for as long as the future shall be.
To make Earth and its human tenders a beacon of hope, compassion and friendliness that will become known throughout the universe as a place where justice and fairness are guaranteed to all (not just the rich, like it is now), no matter what star system beings come from.
Is that possible? Well, it's up to you, isn't it?
It's only what a mother wants, right ma?
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida whose essays are seen on hundreds of websites around the world. His booklet, "The Day America Died: Why You Shouldn't Believe the Official Story of What Happened on September 11, 2001," is his bestseller. For more information go to http://www.johnkaminski.com
Article from: http://www.rense.com/general68/laughing.htm