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Earth Rhythms
2005 11 15

By E. E. Richards |

You are a vibrant, living, dancing hologram of light. Not just the light which your eyes detect--that is also a part of you--but the light vibration of all the presently known and measurable electromagnetic spectrum. You radiate the ultra-violet and higher energies; streams of infrared waves flow between your bodies. The complexities of microwave information resonate and chat within the molecular and cellular structures which you call a body. The cellular chemical messengers circulate and form; dissapate to reform anew the delicate holographic instructions.

The radio waves of ancient galaxies, neighboring stars and solar family planets rain and dance upon the Earth's umbrella-like energy belts, altering the intensity, selectively protecting the delicate organic forms. Slower and ever more powerful rhythms of planetary turnings, solar sprinklings, starry pulses, galactic tides and universal songs sweep through and around you every instant. The holographic body reverberates with the wind of electromagnetic light; every cell listens to the drum-beats, attunes its spiral DNA structure to the composition, and sings its own unique chord; inducing resonant vibrations throughout the cellular molecules.

These radiations of electrical and magnetic waves of information move through space and our atmospheric environment. Some of our body structures exhibit a resonance matching the Earth's natural magnetic field, allowing certain rhythmic behavior as seen in human and other life-forms. All life on Earth has developed under the influence of this geomagnetic field which varies in structure and dynamic properties by its pulsations. These pulsations are due to the interaction of the plasma waves coming from throughout the solar system and cosmos and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.

Our home solar system forms a complex, harmonically interrelating, multi-octave musical instrument composed of great number of octaves of vibrational interplay. Your brain and body structures resonate to those continually fluctuating field patterns as they beat against the Earth', Moon's, and Sun's natural rhythms.

How does the Universe communicate with Itself, and its life-forms, unhampered by time dependency? The bi-directional harmonic waves of gravity supply intergalactic information coupling via instantaneous longitudinal transmissions into and out of the Solar system. With the plotting of solar system resonances, interplanetary coupling, magnetospheric and Schumann resonances, and free oscillations of the Earth, this cosmic information becomes available to human bioenergies.

The vertically-arrayed human body nervous system senses and functions within the Earth's ever-changing local atmospheric electrical potential and the longitudinal gravity waves which the Earth intercepts. A multiplicity of Solar system vibrational signals occur within the same spectrum-octaves as the brain/body detected signals. The extremely low frequency, long wavelength near field signals associated with interstellar and intergalactic gravity coupling are detected by our brain/body sensing mechanism. These naturally-occurring information signals bring about changes within the human body energy pathways, restructure body water resonances, modulate the DNA processes and stimulate other circadian rhythm entrainments. Thus supplying an intimate instantaneous interconnection of our very own brain/body/mind to the immensity of the Universe.

Listen to the Drumbeat
The holographic body reverberates with the wind of light; every cell listens to the drumbeat of Earth, attunes its spiral DNA structure to the composition, and sings its unique chord; inducing resonant vibrations throughtout the cellular molecules.

Geometry of Infinite Mind
How does the Universe communicate with itself, and hence to its life forms, unhampered by time dependency? The wave theory of gravity will demonstrate intergalactic information wave coupling via instantaneous longitudinal transmissions into and out of the solar system. With solar-system resonances, interplanetary coupling, magnetospheric and Schumann resonances, and free geomagnetic oscillations of the Earth, we may begin to understand how this cosmic information becomes available to human bioenergies. These naturally-occurring information signals bring about changes within the human body energy pathways, restructure body water resonances, modulate the DNA processes and stimulate other circadian rhythm entrainments.

Cerebral Breathing
Our whole body structure is in rhythmical breath motion. Each breath stimulates an electromagnetic field across the upper body, which modulates the transfer of signals that continually communicate up and down the intricate spinal column and directing the brain/mind processes.

Faster than a Speeding Light
Is it necessary that the speed of light limit our communications? Are there other star-systems awaiting our contact? Is the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) program realistic in using transverse or electromagnetic (radio) waves, which are light-speed limited? Why search microwave frequencies for distant life when the detected human biological frequencies are in the ELF (Extremely Low Frequencies, 3-300 Hz.) spectrum? Are there alternatives which offer possible answers to the above questions? Yes! Join me as I unfold evidence for a new direction in communications technology. There is a possibility that in our own neighborhood of the Galaxy there are other creative beings searching, imagining or wondering who else might be out there in the cosmos. Anyone for extreme DX?

T.J.J.See's, Wave Theory of Gravity
The Aether, with its Infinitely Complex and Interpenetrating Waves, is the most important body of the Universe; and thus the real Foundations of Science begin with the Wave-Theory, --not only for Sound and Light, but also for all the other Forces of Nature, of any and every description, -a generalization which necessarily follows from the nature of this "Vibrating Medium". In Nature the longer waves, moving under Resistance, tend to break up into shorter waves; and hence the Unlimited Gamut of Waves pervading the Universe. Coupling every point with every other throughout all Space. The Aether Stresses couple the Celestial Bodies in pairs--binding star to star, by Invisible Wave-Webs of Aether. The cause of Attraction consists in the Contraction or Collapse of the Aether, under the Mutual Interpenetration of Waves, directed in the opposite sense, with opposite torque. Repulsion is the result of expansion of the medium,under an interpenetration of waves with similar torque. These stresses in the medium fill all Space.

Earth Power Spectrum and its Potential as a Usable Energy Source
Frequency Discoveries of the Earth Energy Fields.

Earth and Atmospheric Electricity
Ben Franklin's famous experiments in 1752 "drawing lightning from the clouds" by a kite is generally considered as the beginning of the science of atmospheric electricity. The global electrical circuitry combine to a powerful unified Geo-Electrical structure.

These Writings are the Result of Many Years of Experiments and Research by E. E. Richards
He has been researching bioenergetics and subtle energy, and exploring the nature of the universe throughout his life. He has traveled extensively, contemplating ideas and experiments all along the way, while concentrating on studies and personal experiments in consciousness, breathwork, planetary and stellar energies, vibrational healing, the resonant harmonic aspects of physical matter, and is presently focusing on the nature of biocosmic communication. Shine will present a cohesive picture of our intimate, instantaneous communications to the Earth, its life-forms, the Galaxy and the whole Cosmos, by drawing upon his many vibrational measurement experiments. The combined aspects of measured grid-lines, ELF standing-waves, Schumann resonances, brain-waves, Earth-Moon frequencies, stellar harmonics, and vibratory gravity waves will help form an image for you of our intimate connections to all of creation.

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