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The Universe is Hip
2005 10 20

By C. Moors |

Common as dirt or intricate like the pulsing veins on an oak leaf in spring, the intelligence behind all things animate and inanimate twinkles just below the surface. There is no trick or treachery which can be hidden and no unselfish act can go unrecognized. It is funny to think about how conniving some people are and their self-satisfaction over fooling a neighbor. If only they knew that actions are imprinted in the ether and that to ever be free they have to suffer what they have caused, perhaps the web of Samsara’s realm would not get so sticky.

Every song begins in the vibration of AUM. In that essential source, lies every note of every composition that ever has or ever will be written. For example, Beethoven was not just a man. He was channeling a subset of AUM. To write like Him, one just has to connect to AUM and conjure up the intrinsic Beethoven quality which is still there. In the same manner, no entity disappears, because we are all faces of the ONE. From the ONE you can access all faces.

When will the world learn to trust their own inner guidance? Perhaps when it is acknowledged, nurtured, and explored. Yes, it is good to listen, but decide for yourself how you want your reality to be created. It is not a finite thing and it never stops. Endlessly painting tapestries, sometimes it rains so you can start a new project. The colors blend together, run down the drain and collect as a blackness in the sewers. Say farewell completely and they will dry up to become dust which blows across the land, fertilizing next season’s crop.

It may be hard to believe that a character like the Universe knows about you, but it does. Never interfering, but always willing to show you the higher rules that make life easier, the Universe cannot leave you because it is you. Your very own atoms even now have the Intelligence that began the whole experiment known as life. Everything that has ever happened can be accessed through the inner doorways. It is not even difficult in any way. It is much more difficult to doubt, criticize, and be riddled with fear.

Hug yourself and when you feel Love, know that it was the Universe hugging you through you. When you breath, know that the convenience of fresh air is enabled by the prana influx that almost everybody takes for granted. When you drink a glass of water and let the coolness bring a smile, know what the fishes in the sea have known all along.

From the poker table to the boardroom, it is all the Universe. Doesn’t it make you happy that you don’t have to be ashamed of your secrets? Who is there to judge when each life has the same source? The whole complicated mess of war (macro or micro) isn’t even necessary because friend and foe alike are really two branches of the same tree. The joke is on everybody who thought they were separate. Luckily the punch line is salvation for all.

C. Moors, Pearly Gates Press

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