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Zen is our Destiny
2005 08 05

By C Moors |

Ancient mythologies of the world must be seen for what they are if a workable solution to the planetary situation is ever to be found. Within the context of a limited set of parameters, a cosmically palatable flow can never be given birth because it is intrinsically opposed to the expression of life – THE NEW. Just being old seems to give words credence in the mind of humanity. The older something is, the easier it is to lose track of the cause which creates the effect.

So much of what Jesus said is rooted in Existence and indicative of divine expression. Studying this Zen Master of the West, we can discover for ourselves the depth of his realization by practice of our own. The most harmful and anti-Jesus thing anybody can come up with, is to claim that belief alone is enough. Beautiful discussions on his seeds of truth again and again get cut down at the root by this simple but horrendous misunderstanding. There is no cosmic equation whereupon Jesus took your Karma. He provides tools with which to deal with your own Karma. The intrinsic nobility of ascension is that it is our personal responsibility to build a path to God. There is no escaping this process, and it is good! Jesus is so much more than most Christians will ever know.

Muslims see the discrepancies of Christians, but unfortunately they are positioned squarely within their own subset of misconceptions. After being unacknowledged and abused for many years, they have rage and a desire for revenge. One cannot simply demand that this volcanic expression of Lost Will stop, because it will only polarize sides and escalate conflict. There has to be a safe receptacle for the subconscious lava to flow into, making room for peace. Within this tradition is an acceptance and understanding of the Mystical that can rise higher, unshackling itself from the societal conformities of any given era, and becoming universal in its embrace of moving reality.

Judaism is one of the planet’s longest and most ingrained habits. Adherents claim to be God’s Chosen People, causing enmity in those that they by definition oppose – everybody else. Moses was a law giver, not a truth giver. Even if it is taken on faith that the mighty stone tablets were necessary to establish order in the desert, to believe solely in this today, one would have to think that God is unable to grow and unable to communicate an updated message that would actually make sense to the situation NOW. Also, most claims of Jewish descendants for land and justifications for HARSH actions come from the Old Testament which itself was written by their own ancestors.

If one were to remove these three religious notions, most of the current wars would immediately lose fuel, politics would drop its wicked bite, and Planetary Peace as a World of Human Beings would suddenly be possible. Over the years attempts to get this point home have been met with such hysterical resistance that momentum for the cause periodically ebbs. The beauty of a real solution is that nothing of value is lost and all we held dear is set free to become the full fruition of what it was meant to be.

Zen needs no belief. It is an antidote to poison and the key to becoming centered. Getting space within is the only way to calm the turbulent waters of Earth’s Geopolitics. Transforming the small “I” body into the big “I” soul, we serve the Tao, not Bush, Osama, or Sharon. This is where the brainwashing comes into stark focus. Answering the call of our own heart, we see that all this outside nonsense has nothing to do with us other than to throw us back to ourselves. Being immersed since the beginning it is hard to find the way out, but when you do, you will stand on top of the hill and shout, “Alleluia! This is it! The miracle we have all been waiting for has happened to me and can happen to you.”

C. Moors, Pearly Gates Press

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