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You Are Hypnotized
2005 08 26

By C. Moors |

Pretty pictures fill the mind with delightful dreams. The system closes in upon itself and the associations made by flashing images creates an artificial reality much more comfortable than that which lies outside your door. It is easier to believe in cattle feed than to sort through the details of world history, psychology, sociology, art culture, and spiritual tradition to put together a view of life on Earth that includes the nobility of the soul creating its own destiny.

For those that think, “Yeah, I agree. Other people are really screwed up,” consider that there is more than one layer of illusion. Even an adolescent can figure out that what is being portrayed by various media is ridiculously skewed. There are thousands of things in the background that are taken as a given that are not necessarily so. Societal context colors everything for those who have not traced their own life back to day one.

Remember all the facts and figures you were taught in school? How many of those ideas have been logged and forgotten never to be questioned again? Of course all the family values given to us by our parental figures are solid, right? Even the supposedly good creates an elaborate superstructure that clouds the effort to reach the ultimate truth. In fact this can be one of the most confusing temporary intellectual stopping points to overcome. Our attachments do not want us to pop this sacred bubble and although we may question some things, we can develop a blind spot that undermines us in subtle ways every day.

Further, there is a whole other level of basic worldly perception parameters that we may not have even considered. Do you notice colors, textures, tastes, sounds, etc…, and differentiate them into categories that then get stored in various areas of the brain? A reflective look takes this in, but does not allow the synapse grooves to interpret the occurrence into a more limited view. Of course we can acknowledge sense parameters, but there is no need to think about them, because as soon as we do, we lose the next moment.

Many forces on many levels work to pull us in a plethora of directions. People often adopt roles for changing situations that their mind proves to them is necessary. It is not. Only when arriving at our own center can we maintain consciousness amongst the wild activity of the jungle and its inhabitants. Consistency of self remains on an ongoing basis after the hierarchy of control mechanisms are dismantled with thundering awareness and truth is upheld by the courage to live as it is perceived from within.

As usual those who think they know fool themselves. There is much material to cover, but no concrete solution will ever be found. Information is digested so that when presented with a new circumstance we can be alert enough to spontaneously handle the situation. We can then take over the steering of the body-ship and chart new waters with a joy nowhere else to be found but in the expression of a heart that showers its love indiscriminately to the whole universe.

C. Moors, Pearly Gates Press

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