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Raging Soul Fires Rock the Astral Realms
2005 07 27

Posted By C. Moors |

With groups of souls passing over in clumps of 50, 80, or more, the lower realm of Heaven (4th dimensional dream world) is trembling in ways unseen since 1945. The confusion and fear people are bringing over with them must immediately be dealt with by "transition by disaster" relief teams. Raging soul fires must be extinguished before entrance is allowed by the battle weary demi-gods to strip off minor misconceptions and limited self-identification in the Bardo.

Angels in service to junior aspirants are being damaged in the process and will have to recede very soon. Much as brave firefighters do the impossible and save children from blazing infernos when all others had already given up hope, so to do these Expressions of God’s Love, dive in again and again at their own life’s risk. Angels must progress as well. Eternity is only realized by complete liberation.

Vibration in this area of the Solar System continues to rise. Spirit guidance will decrease as the former INFLUENCING of INDIVIDUALS INTUITIVELY becomes the CONSCIOUS RESPONSIBILITY of UNIVERSAL HUMANITY. Aliens who are meddling with Earth affairs will start having a harder time maintaining Human form and in accordance, you will see less and less of your Current Leaders. Eventually, they will be nothing more than computer generated figureheads on your TV screen touting the party line you all know by now.

The Denial of Karma by the West and the Denial of Self-Determination by the East is causing the unexpressed to take form, bringing about the Destruction of the Old Way through Wars and Earth Changes. Simultaneously, the New Way is being created by Generation X Cosmic Bloggers, who are graciously devoting themselves to spreading spirit-related information in a myriad of wonderful forms. Soon the Indigo Children of the next generation will find this Source, transcend, and reveal themselves as Beings of Light born to Guide us into the Golden Age. January 1, 2013 becomes Day 1 of Year 1.

This Mind game is ending and the Aquarian game of Awakened Hearts has begun.

C. Moors, Pearly Gates Press

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