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What's Up on Planet Earth? The Great "Fall"
2005 06 05

By Karen Bishop |

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As vibration in itself carries information all its own, I am pleased to offer you the audio and expanded version of What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts. For a free introductory audio experience of vibration through voice along with additional and expanded information for your greater understanding, Click here to listen. To subscribe on a regular basis,Click here!

Okay, okay, May was a very strange month, but there is always order and good reason for everything as it fits perfectly into the divine plan for the Shift of the Ages.

May was, generally speaking, a strange month as it was the LAST month before we experience a very substantial shift, and then things will never be quite the same again.

In May, we were "preparing" for what is to come. If you found yourself unusually busy, or dealing with situations that needed your attention, or "wrapping" up long-standing situations, or finalizing new ones, you were simply experiencing your manifested version of the energies that have been presented to us. In addition, you may have been "preparing" physically as well.

With a theme of "getting things done" we needed to attend to much, because as of June and especially July, and then on-ward, we will be in a new space with a completely different scenario, and will no longer be poised or have the time and space to get these things accomplished.

In May, we also attracted to us what we were vibrating, as we are in a much higher resonating frequency now and much will manifest in a near instant. There was also a feeling and energy of "nothing moving" much, as again, we were in preparation mode for the months to come. There were just unusual and "strange" occurrences for many this month.

In addition, we are also "preparing" in other ways, as we are being readied for our new roles and being readied to embody as much light as possible. So in a sense, it is a bit difficult to really pinpoint one particular energy and experience for all of us. We are all in our own unique and different phases of ascension, and at different levels, so at this point, there can be many variations to our current experiences.

So what about this "preparing" mode? I was speaking to my web site host and friend, Bryce, the other day and he began telling me of a recent experience he had had, that depicts things well. While out on his ranch and among the sagebrush, he noticed an interesting phenomenon. A large family of ants were climbing into the sagebrush and meticulously chewing off the leaves. As the process continued, the leaves would drop to the ground, and then a purposeful and diligent team of ants would push, pull and drag the leaves into an orderly fashion on the ground. It became evident to Bryce that they were following the direction of the intuitive queen and they were most certainly "preparing" for something.

My 23 year old daughter phoned me late the other night from North Carolina, as she wanted to tell me about an interesting dream she had had. Very briefly, her dream was about a man digging a very large trench or tunnel. Ari and I proceeded to tell the man that he shouldn't be digging there. "Oh no," said the man. "I am digging tunnels for everyone to stay in and be safe for what is to come!" Well, evidently we told him to go ahead, by all means. While we were later in the tunnel, we were guided to "hide" under the lights, where nothing could find us. We did, and were just fine.

So what is all this about and what is coming on the horizon? June 21st marks the half way point for this amazing year of 2005 and all the changes it will bring. For the first six months, we experienced a deeper cleansing and releasing followed by a burst of energy of New and higher experiences in March and April.

During March and April, first and second wavers made ascension leaps, there-by affecting the balance of the planet. And know that these leaps were also accompanied by leaps in planetary vibration as well. ALL is vibrating and going higher and higher as part of the process. Everything is in on this together.

Now we are nearing the "half way" point and much is in the balance, so to speak. The ascension leaps made by many in March and April, along with the planetary leaps, have now tilted the scales. June will mark a time of a great and powerful TURNING, or in other words, a "turning point".

Energetically, it looks like the planet will be totally turning around and turning in a New direction. This will be a monumental shift and could very easily affect much.

With the balance going now in "our" (the light) direction, there will be a substantial opportunity for much to occur. And I cannot emphasize enough that this scenario and time is simply an opportunity. We never really know just how things will unfold.

Most prevalent will be the opportunity for the darker/denser energies to really "fall". It is like the "fall" that occurred eons ago, only now it is going in the opposite direction where these older energies will be the ones to fall. With the balance now on the side of the light and with the advent of reaching the middle point, this will create a snowball or domino effect, therefore supporting this process.

Will it all happen at once? It never does. Things occur in the most gentle way possible. And we as lightworkers are always assisting, whether consciously or not, in maintaining a beneficial balance for all.

So what are some of the possible manifestations of this "turning"? There could very well be geographical disruptions. Then there could not. I had several acquaintances, for example, move to new areas or who found themselves spending time in areas (such as Southern California and Hawaii, for example) over a period of time this year. They were very much drawn there, and then they suddenly left, without perhaps even knowing why or what happened. They were very needed and proved to be influential in supporting the arrival of very powerful New energies. And in addition, they greatly helped to alleviate any Earth changes that might have occurred in those areas. So you see, we never really know.

When the advent of this now predominance of light in the physical world, the Earth herself cannot help but be affected as well. She may very well shift and shudder, move about, experience wind, rain and all sorts of other movements as she integrates and balances. But what arrives on the heels of this shift will be glorious! As mentioned before, I continually see beautiful underground springs and streams arriving here in Flagstaff where we currently have little water.

I recently received an e-mail from Northern Peru where they are experiencing all sorts of amazing and beautiful Earth changes. Much water where there had been little before has created an incredible sanctuary for thousands of birds and ancient pottery is emerging from the Earth. In addition, there was an entire lake in Moscow that completely disappeared, as well as over 100 new waterfalls emerging in places in southern and central California. These things are occurring now, so you can imagine what amazing things will be occurring in the future!

The big "turn" will change things for lightworkers as well. The ascension process has been preparing many of us for quite some time. We needed to be vibrating or "being" the light and our purpose before we could teach it and spread it for all the world to benefit. Ascension released much of our ego selves. We are now embodying more light and more of our true selves than ever before. We have to "be" something and really experience it before we can teach it and walk it.

As much more begins to fall in the physical world, we will be needed and listened to as never before. We will really be beings of light now and called forth to assist many who will be bewildered and need guidance, love and support, as well as a road map for living in the higher realms!

During this time of preparation, some of you may have experienced those great and amazing dreamtimes of learning and being taught New ways. Or perhaps you have recently received many ah ha's as to what you may be doing in the future. Or maybe even having psychic and unusual experiences of late, connecting you to the higher realms and higher ways. We are simply preparing more and more and connecting more and more to our higher selves or souls as well as our star family identities that will enable us to fully embody who we are and support what we came to do.

We are also still having challenges of going back and forth between dimensions. If you are feeling burdened and stressed or down and out, you are in the old world and lower dimensions. It is fairly easy now to navigate upward and out. How?

In a matter of a few seconds, you can jump dimensions by connecting to what makes you feel good. Listen to some music you love. Be with the animals. Go out in nature. Think of someone you really love and be in that space of how much you love and appreciate them. Be in your creativity. The higher dimensions are RIGHT HERE. We need only go there and BELIEVE they are right at our fingertips. If you can, just let go, forget everything, be in the moment, and intend to really "see" where you are. You are not in the old world, as you are just believing that you are. Trust that all is OK.

But here is what I believe to be the most important key: Give yourself permission to go and have fun and do something for yourself. In the higher realms, we have no responsibilities. The old world led us to believe that we were responsible for everything and that we must work and give in order to receive. This is simply not the case.

When we put ourselves first and do whatever we need to, to feel good, the universe gets the message and takes care of the rest. We have been trained and socialized to believe that we are responsible for everything and we absolutely are not. The new e-course at What's Up On Planet Earth? has a full module on living this way in the higher realms, as it is so vitally important.

When we evolve and navigate ourselves into this way of "being", everything naturally COMES TO US with no effort and certainly no stress. And we are also most assuredly vibrating group energy with shared responsibilities now; we need only start living in this way that our surrounding energies are encouraging us to embody. We are still living a 3D way in a higher dimensional reality!

So I will say to you now, that I will personally give you permission to put yourself first and feel good at all costs. Take the leap and try it; you may be pleasantly surprised at what you find.

Our new school in Flagstaff will be teaching these ways of connecting and living in the higher realms, as these services will soon be needed for those whose world has seemingly come to an end and they are not sure where they are now residing, or how to navigate there!

So then, there will be an opportunity beginning around the solstice and most notably manifesting in July, for much to fall away. The solstices always bring deep cleansing (as did the most recent December solstice), and the equinoxes bring the New manifestations and New births of New realities. As we bump up higher and higher exponentially, these shifts become much more intense when they occur. But in addition, we have evolved so much, that many of us are feeling and experiencing them to a much lesser degree.

These months, then, following the solstice will activate more cleansing and falling away. Some will go deeper within, some will become activated and begin the first phase of ascension, and yet others will connect more deeply than ever before with their higher and true selves and with their identities as star beings.

And with this deeper connection will come many exciting experiences of higher ways of being. Experiences of telepathy, animal communication, psychic experiences and owning our real and true power will begin to occur for many. This will also be a rocky time, I have to say. It always feels rocky when much is falling away and shifting, and this will be a substantial and very noticeable shift.

And again, we have made so much progress now, that these rocky and highly moving and changing experiences will not affect us nearly as much as they would have in years and just months past. Just as Ari experienced in her dream, when we are in the light and in the higher realms, what is falling away will be in another reality than the one we are inhabiting.

We are simply moving along and evolving in divine perfect order as these shifts unfold at precisely the perfect time. Step by step, we are most assuredly evolving into beings of light that will inhabit a planet of light.

Are you ready to create the New World? Are you ready to make your unique and special contribution through your passion and joy?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


What's Up On Planet Earth? is a free/donation based energy alert connecting us through information about physical, emotional, spiritual and planetary changes many of us are experiencing , including inspiring stories and suggestions for living in the New evolving vibration and a view of the world soon to come (it's truly beautiful!). And know that although many of us are having similar ascension experiences, we are going through these incredible changes at a time and in a way unique to each of us. To your unending joyful creations!

Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering the What's Up On Planet Earth? information free of charge on our web site and through the latest e-mail energy alerts. To make a donation, click here

About Karen: Karen Bishop has had lifelong inner knowing of human and planetary evolution and events, as well as psychic ability and multidimensional access since birth. She possesses a varied background in metaphysical studies and training. Karen left her prior career as a grantwriter, non-profit consultant and newspaper columnist to be in her joy and creativity through creating the What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts and web site. She is no longer giving Soul Readings, but is currently working on her book and on-line program"Finding Your Soul Purpose/A Part Of Ascension".

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