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Kevin Annett - Hidden From History: Canada's Genocide
October 16, 2008

Kevin Annett, former minister of United Church, joins us on to talk about Canada's darkest secret, the genocide and the deliberate extermination of indigenous (Native American) peoples and the theft of their land under the guise of religion. Kevin Annett blew the whistle on his own church after he learned of thousands of murders in its Indian Residential Schools. We talk about the History of extermination, the testimony, Religion and Christianity, the Documentation and the Eyewitnesses. We discuss his film "Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide" and his website hiddenfromhistory.org. Don't miss this very important program! Join us for our second segment as we continue talk more about the mentality of the people behind these murders and the abuse. Topics Discussed: Corruption, Church, State & Corporations, Child Abuse, Trauma, Murders, Sterilization, Medical Experimentation, Pedophile Networks, History of Germ Warfare, Smallpox, Tuberculosis, Satanic ritual abuse, The Soulless Man, the Decline of western Civilization, The "Robotification" of the Human Race, Connection to the Earth. We also talk about the positive aspect to all of this and some of the recent developments. Don't miss this continuation!

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Links & Sources to the program

28 Canada Mass Grave Genocide Sites Identified - Where Is The Media?

Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide (Video

Kevin Annett on wikipedia

Canadian residential school system

United Church of Canada

Biological warfare

Jeffrey Amhurst

Indian Act



The Vancouver Club

Peter Bryce

Beyond the Dutroux affair

The Ahousats

Lakota withdraw from treaties, declare independence from U.S.

Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide


Order the Film on DVD: hiddenfromhistory@yahoo.ca

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