Foods, tips & remedies

Mattress Toxicity: Killing You Softly

Humanity needs sleep and we quickly realize how much we need it after a night of no sleep. Sleep is vital for health, mood, memory, better thinking, stronger immunity, weight, sex and stress.

Dreams are also important to allow our subconscious to express. Science is now uncovering that dreams play a central role in our emotional health, psychological health, our memory, our learning and as a way to help us to find solutions to our problems. If we are seriously sleep deprived, we actually start to dream while awake.

Sleep also may help the human brain get better organized by filing away important memories and discarding unwanted information.

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Toxic Toothbrush

While mainstream news has brought attention to the toxic effects of bisphenol A (BPA), they still fail to mention about a thousand other toxins lurking right under our nose every day, one of which being your toothbrush. Before toothbrushes, people used rough cloth and water to clean their teeth. They would also rub things like salt and chalk across their teeth to try to get rid of the grime. The ancient Egyptians made a sort of brush by splitting the end of a twig. And the ancient Chinese chewed on twigs with a special flavor to freshen their breath. Sometimes a powder was made of the ashes of ox hooves and burned eggshells. The ancient Greeks and Romans used materials such as crushed oyster shells and bones. The Chinese are believed to have made the first natural-bristle toothbrush in the 1400s by using bristles from pigs’ necks. The bristles were attached to a handle made of bone or bamboo.
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Soapy Suds That Make You Dirty

Although, the health hazards of sulfates have been pointed out in other articles, it is worth re-visiting since products using sulfates continue to sell like fast food cheeseburgers. The message is not getting through. Are chemicals necessary in grooming and household products? Absolutely not. How important is it for you to have bubbly soap and shampoo? Are you willing to expose yourself to a known human carcinogen for foamy suds? Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) are commonly used in 90% of soaps, shampoos, conditioner, shower gels, shaving cream, facial cleansers, detergents, toothpastes, mouthwash, dish soap, cleaning products, cosmetics, lotions and other products that “foam” and “bubble.”
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The Versatility of an Almond

Unlike wheat and other grains, almonds help in reducing the rise in sugar and insulin levels after meals. This offers protection from diabetes and prevention of hypoglycemia. Almond is a source of many nutrients which help in development of the brain. Almond induces high intellectual level and has been considered as an essential food item for growing children. Almonds are proven to increase dopamine levels, therefore making you happier. Not enough dopamine can be responsible for lethargy, lack of motivation and depression. It is the best natural fat burning food. Therefore it is used for losing weight naturally as it has good fiber content. In addition to this, more fiber content helps in proper digestion as well as increases energy level.
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The Caveman Diet: Grain Free, Disease Free

Most people freak out without their morning wheat toast. However, more and more people are beginning to turn to the wheat-free diet, experiencing liberation from chronic health ailments, weight and blood sugar spikes. In the book, Wheat Belly, preventative cardiologist William Davis explains how eliminating wheat from our diets is the key to achieving permanent weight loss and relief from a range of health issues. After witnessing over 2,000 patients regain their health after giving up wheat, Davis reached the disturbing conclusion that wheat is the single largest contributor to the nationwide obesity epidemic—and its elimination is key to dramatic weight loss and optimal health.
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Wild Oregano - King of Herbs

Oregano is a member of the mint family. Wild oregano is not the same as the one found in the grocery store. Often times you’ll only find marjoram, oregano’s calmer, sweeter fraternal twin. Oregano is zesty, peppery and lemony. Marjoram is delicate and floral. Of the 60 plus species of oregano, or oregano-like plants, relatively few actually possess significant medicinal powers. To be medicinal, oregano must be wild mountain-grown. Medicinal grade oregano grows wild throughout the world but is best known in the Mediterranean and North America. The plant grows in remote mountainous regions free of pollution. Only the leaves of the flowering plant are used. They are picked precisely when the plant is highest in essential oil. Being wild, it is grown chemical-free.
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The Scent of a Lie

The perfume and cologne business rake in a cool $30 billion yearly. The fragrance industry knows just how to advertise and target its consumers. It’s hard to believe but many people buy a fragrance just because of a celebrity association to the brand and they’ll pay $150 for a small bottle to smell like that celebrity. The names of these perfumes and colognes are as pretentious as the ingredients are superficial.
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Revenge of the Candida Fungus

Candida is a type of parasitic fungi, a yeast-like fungus that lives on human skin. It can be found on the mouth, in the intestine and genital organs. Most people associate the word candida with the most common type of candida infection, candida albicans. However, there are numerous types of candida, over 150 species! The body’s natural defense against fungal and yeast infections is the production of friendly bacterial flora. If the number of friendly bacteria is decreased, the immune system is weakened or other conditions for yeast proliferation occur, candida albicans may shift from a yeast to a fungal form and start to invade the body, especially an acidic body. In the yeast state candida is a non-invasive, sugar-fermenting organism but when it becomes fungal, it is like an alien invasion on the body and can produce rhizoids, long, stringy, finger-like/root-like structures that burrow into the intestinal wall. Yuck!
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Herbal Bliss with Kratom

We all need to relax and zone out more often but sometimes it’s difficult to quiet the mind and let go. In those times, we can turn to herbal remedies. Unfortunately, our governments have and continue to ban plants and herbal remedies! Yes, it is unbelievable, agrifying, semi-laughable but true. Thankfully, there is a highly effective plant that has not been made illegal in most countries called Kratom. Sorry Australians, your government banned this one! Kratom is one of the most effective and pleasurable psychoactive herbs available. The effects are profoundly euphoric and immensely pleasurable. Typically people describe the effects as dreamy, ecstatic, and blissful.
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Caffeine-Induced Psychosis
When I first heard about caffeine-induced psychosis, I laughed but a few days later when I drank too much coffee and felt crazed and then strung out, it wasn’t so funny anymore. The western world (but not excluding the east) loves caffeine in every form, especially coffee. Have you noticed that coffee is available for free in most offices and waiting areas? Behind petroleum, coffee is the second most traded product in the world. Could you imagine what it would be like if coffee production stopped and the planet had to suffer caffeine withdrawals? It would be a month of madness.
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Franken-Food Additives Poisoning the Masses
Our ancestors used salt to preserve meats and fish, added herbs and spices to sharpen the flavor of foods, preserved fruit with sugar, and pickled cucumbers in vinegar. They also had their own gardens, raised their own livestock, ate local and in season. However, they were not eating the Franken-foods of today, including genetically modified food, chemically preserved food, flavor “enhanced” food, sugar filled food, fortified food and hormone injected food. They certainly weren’t eating processed foods, filled with additives and stripped of nutrients. I think it’s safe to assume that they ate much better than we do today. How backwards have we gone that we now must pay more money for organic, chemical free and hormone free food? Who are these psychopaths coming up with the ideas to modify and poison our food? The FDA and the EFSA cannot be trusted. They lie. They don’t care about you.
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Sea salt and baking soda, best all natural remedy for curing radiation exposure and cancer
If you have been exposed to any form of radiation, either for medical diagnostic purposes (fluoroscopy/mammography/other medical x-ray exams) or in the course of radiotherapy treatment, or if you are otherwise concerned by excessive radiation exposure, overload or poisoning (such as living near a nuclear reactor facility, working with diagnostic radiological equipment/in the nuclear processing industries/uranium mining/uranium or plutonium processing), or if you have been exposed to radioactive particles or higher ionizing radiation doses stemming from other sources such as depleted uranium (DU), testing of atomic weapons, frequent flights in higher altitudes, a nuclear disaster (radiation fallout from the Japan nuclear power plants) etc., here are a number of tips and suggested remedies how to naturally help your body excrete damaging radioactive elements (e.g. strontium and radioactive iodine) or detoxify their noxious byproducts such as free radicals as well as deal with radiation burns.
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Identifying & Healing Adrenal Gland Fatigue
Most people are completely unaware of the function of the adrenal glands, located at the top of both kidneys. The adrenal cortex is the outer layer and is responsible for the production of steroid hormones called glucocorticoids, mineralcorticoids, and androgens. The major glucocorticoid produced by the adrenal is cortisol. Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone because the body releases it in order to help cope with stressful situations. It’s also secreted in higher levels during the body’s “fight or flight” response to stress, and is responsible for several stress-related changes in the body. These changes can be a quick burst of energy for survival reasons, heightened memory functions, a burst of increased immunity, lower sensitivity to pain and homeostasis.
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Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness?
To be in good health is a true blessing, and without proper nutrition a foundation for health cannot be built. I found this out the hard way. For several years I experienced severe fatigue daily, along with muscle spasms, weak teeth, shortness of breath, anxiety and generally not feeling well. I started to conduct research on the unpleasant assortment of symptoms that I was experiencing, and I repeatedly came across information on the essential element called magnesium. It turns out that the majority of Americans (80% or more) are magnesium deficient due to poor diet and soil depletion. Every symptom that I had was a sign of magnesium deficiency. Upon further research I discovered magnesium oil, which is easily absorbed – more so than pill form – through the skin via Transdermal Magnesium Therapy. After using the oil for several months, all of the symptoms have disappeared.
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If Your Pee Stinks, You’re Dehydrated!
We are born of the water. Our muscles that move our body are 75% water. Our blood that transports nutrients is 82% water. Our lungs that provide us with oxygen are 90% water. Our brain is 76% water and even our bones are 25% water. Water covers 70% of our planet and is vital for all life on Earth. There’s a reason why we’re drawn to the ocean, lakes and rivers. Beyond the subconscious reasons, lurks the simple need for our survival. A person deprived of water will die in 60 to 80 hours.

If you do not supply enough water to your body, your brain cannot function well. It is apparent when you see the majority of idiots who drink soda, frappuccinos and energy drinks all day long, only dehydrating themselves more and contributing to the zombie culture.

Those who suffer from dehydration will feel fatigue and headaches, and an overall disconnected feeling from life, even depression and hunger. So before you reach for medication or a Twinkie, ask yourself,”How much water have I had today?”
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The Sting of a Nettle

The stinging nettle plant is a nutritional powerhouse, rich in iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, boron, and zinc. It is also an excellent source of vitamins A, D, E, and K. They have been used in traditional English stews, teas and beers for centuries, while the Italians cherish them for pesto and the Scandinavians make a knockout nettle soup called Nässelsoppa. However, the complications come with eating the things raw since the planet is covered in thousands of microscopic hypodermic needles each filled with boric acid. Crushing the leaves disable the sting so nettles can even be served in salads.
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That’s Right,”Go Suck a Real Lemon!”

Unfortunately, most people have forgotten that a good medicine tastes bitter or sour, whether metaphorical or literal. A proper diet also requires we ingest more bitter and sour!

For decades scientists have agreed on four basic food tastes: sweet, salty, sour and bitter. In recent years, scientists also have agreed on a fifth sense, umami (savory), which is evoked by monosodium glutamate (MSG) in foods. Scary! It makes me think of a time when I was asked by an airplane stewardess if I wanted the” salty or savory snack”. So, as people’s taste buds are devolving and constantly requiring sugar and chemical enhancers, the lemon is becoming less popular and used more as a garnish or scent in a household cleaner. As Alfred E. Neuman said, “We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.”
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Tea Tree Oil, The Australian Germicide

We are told that in 1732, Tea Tree Oil first came to the attention of western society when Captain James Cook landed in Australia. He brewed a spicy and refreshing tea from the leaves of the Melaleuca Alternifolia tree thus naming it the "Tea Tree." br> br> Captain Cook met with the Aborigines and they shared their healing methods using this tree. Later, James Cook had a doctor test it, who confirmed its natural antiseptic power found in its leaves. Cook and his crew drank the tea to prevent scurvy.
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Coconut, The Tree of Life

When you smell a coconut, it probably makes you think of sun tanning and drinking pina coladas on the beach but do you know about the incredible health benefits of it’s oil? Yes, coconut oil consists of more than ninety percent of saturated fats with traces of few unsaturated fatty acids, such as monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids but don’t panic when you hear the words saturated fat when it comes to coconut oil. Continue reading and you’ll understand why.

There is widespread misconception that coconut oil is bad for you because it is said to raise blood cholesterol and cause heart disease. The only "proof" is one four-decades old study. The study used hydrogenated coconut oil. It is now known that the process of hydrogenation creates "trans fatty acids" (TFAs), which are toxic entities that enter cell membranes, block utilization of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and impede cell functionality. TFAs also cause a rise in blood cholesterol. These substances are not present in natural coconut oil.
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Laboratory Beauty vs. Homegrown Beauty

Every morning millions of women wake up and enhance their looks by applying make-up. How many of these women actually know what it is they are rubbing into their skin, lips and around their eyes? For if they knew, would they feel differently about it? Many make-up companies do not list the ingredients on their packaging and if they do, which is rare, have fun identifying what those ingredients are. If you’re curious to know what it is you’re rubbing into your skin and absorbing into your bloodstream, you will find many of those ingredients toxic and extremely harmful to your health, skin and vitality, even in small doses. In the long run, wearing these toxic ingredients will only make your appearance and health worse.
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Garlic Keeps More Than Vampires Away

Garlic has ancient roots. The word "garlic" comes from Old English and means spear-leek. Both leeks and garlic come from the onion family (Alliaceae). The plant is thought to have originated in central Asia, used there since neolithic times. It was probably among the earliest of cultivated crops. It spread early, via trade routes, to become a staple flavoring throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Archeologists have discovered clay sculptures of garlic bulbs and paintings of garlic dating about 3200 B.C. in Egyptian tombs in El Mahasna. An Egyptian papyrus dating from 1,500 B.C. recommends garlic as a cure all for over 22 common ailments, including lack of stamina, heart disease and tumors. Tutankhamen (Egypt’s youngest pharaoh) was sent into the afterlife with garlic at his side.
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Pass The Apple Cider Vinegar Please

Vinegar is said to have been used for medical ailments in the ancient times. The Babylonians first converted wine into vinegar in 5000 BCE using date palms, grapes, and figs, and believed vinegar had exceptional healing properties. Hippocrates is said to have used vinegar as an antibiotic. Samurai warriors supposedly used a vinegar tonic for strength and power. During the U.S. Civil War, soldiers used vinegar to prevent gastric upset and as a treatment for various ailments including pneumonia and scurvy. It was used to treat wounds during World War I. The list can go on and on.
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Codex Pseudo-Science is Wrong About Colloidal Silver

Silver has long been seen as the perfect natural antibiotic. In the old days cowboys used to fill their canteens with fresh water and then toss in a silver coin to keep that water pure in the hottest weather. Silver has been used for decades in the eyes of newborns to prevent infection. The fact is, harmful bacteria cannot survive in an environment that is rich with silver particles. That is why colloidal silver is such a powerful potion in the fight against disease. Colloids are the smallest biological form of any matter. They are small enough to pass through membranes and therefore they skip past the digestive process and are easily absorbed by the body. The word “colloidal” means that the silver is electrically removed from its source and attached to water molecules to form a new molecule. It is however an extremely unstable molecule and must be kept in dark glass bottles, out of direct sunlight. The new molecule falls apart when stored in a plastic container.
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The Amazing Neem Tree

Neem (Azadirachta indica) has worldwide medicinal and agricultural applications as a non-toxic alternative to synthetic chemicals for both curing and preventing disease.

Neem seed oil is like a dream come true for the old snake oil salesman...1001 uses out of a single bottle! The claims made about neem hold up under scientific scrutiny. The bark, leaves and oil of the neem tree have been used in India for several thousand years, and are still used today. About 75% of Ayurvedic remedies contain some form of neem. Indians call the sacred neem tree "the village pharmacy", and have limitless faith in its abilities.
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Lavender oil has potent antifungal effect

Lavender oil could be used to combat the increasing incidence of antifungal-resistant infections, according to a study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology. The essential oil shows a potent antifungal effect against strains of fungi responsible for common skin and nail infections.

Scientists from the University of Coimbra in Portugal distilled lavender oil from the Lavandula viridis L'Hér shrub that grows in southern Portugal. The oil was tested against a range of pathogenic fungi and was found to be lethal to a range of skin-pathogenic strains, known as dermatophytes, as well as various species of Candida.
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Plastics to Avoid
Today there are so many things that are made out of plastic and many things that we eat and drink come in plastic packaging. The increased awareness of the harmful chemicals in plastics is causing concern and it is important to understand which plastics are safe and harmful. So, how do we determine which are the safe plastics and which ones we should try not to use? It is important to understand the types of plastics. All plastics are identified by a code numbered 1 through 7 that is typically located on the bottom of the packaging with the famous recycling triangle around it. The next time you use plastic (or buy canned food for your bomb shelter), pay attention to the following numbers to know what to avoid:

1 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE) Used to make soft drink, water, sports drink, ketchup, salad dressing bottles, peanut butter, pickle, jelly and jam jars.
BAD: Due to antimony leaching although many sources will say it is ok for one time use.

2 High density polyethylene (HDPE) Milk, water, and juice bottles, yogurt and margarine tubs, cereal box liners, and grocery, trash, and retail bags.
GOOD: Not known to leach any chemicals that are suspected of causing cancer or disrupting hormones.

3 Polyvinyl chloride (V or PVC) Most cling-wrapped meats, cheeses, and other foods sold in delicatessens and groceries are wrapped in PVC.
BAD: To soften into its flexible form, manufacturers add “plasticizers” during production. Traces of these chemicals can leach out of PVC when in contact with foods. According to the National Institutes of Health, di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), commonly found in PVC, is a suspected human carcinogen.

4 Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) Some bread and frozen food bags and squeezable bottles.
OK: Not known to leach any chemicals that are suspected of causing cancer or disrupting hormones, but not as widely recycled as #1 or #2.

5 Polypropylene (PP) Some ketchup bottles and yogurt and margarine tubs.
OK: Hazardous during production, but not known to leach any chemicals that are suspected of causing cancer or disrupting hormones. Not as widely recycled as #1 and #2.

6 Polystyrene (PS) Foam insulation and also for hard applications (e.g. cups, some toys)
BAD: Benzene (material used in production) is a known human carcinogen. Butadiene and styrene (the basic building block of the plastic) are suspected carcinogens. Energy intensive and poor recycling.

7 Other (usually polycarbonate) Baby bottles, microwave ovenware, eating utensils, plastic coating for metal cans.
BAD: Made with biphenyl-A, a chemical invented in the 1930s in search for synthetic estrogens. A hormone disruptor. Simulates the action of estrogen when tested in human breast cancer studies. Can leach into food as product ages.

Health Benefits of Dandelions

Suppose your doctor tells you, on your next visit, that he has just discovered a miracle drug which, when eaten as a part of your daily diet or taken as a beverage, could, depending on the peculiarities of your body chemistry: prevent or cure liver diseases, such as hepatitis or jaundice; act as a tonic and gentle diuretic to purify your blood, cleanse your system, dissolve kidney stones, and otherwise improve gastro-intestinal health; assist in weight reduction; cleanse your skin and eliminate acne; improve your bowel function, working equally well to relieve both constipation and diarrhea; prevent or lower high blood pressure; prevent or cure anemia; lower your serum cholesterol by as much as half; eliminate or drastically reduce acid indigestion and gas buildup by cutting the heaviness of fatty foods; prevent or cure various forms of cancer; prevent or control diabetes mellitus; and, at the same time, have no negative side effects and selectively act on only what ails you. If he gave you a prescription for this miracle medicine, would you use it religiously at first to solve whatever the problem is and then consistently for preventative body maintenance?

All the above curative functions, and more, have been attributed to one plant known to everyone, Taraxacum officinale, which means the "Official Remedy for Disorders." We call it the common dandelion. It is so well respected, in fact, that it appears in the U.S. National Formulatory, and in the Pharmacopeias of Hungary, Poland, Switzerland, and the Soviet Union. It is one of the top 6 herbs in the Chinese herbal medicine chest.

According to the USDA Bulletin #8, "Composition of Foods" (Haytowitz and Matthews 1984), dandelions rank in the top 4 green vegetables in overall nutritional value. Minnich, in "Gardening for Better Nutrition" ranks them, out of all vegetables, including grains, seeds and greens, as tied for 9th best. According to these data, dandelions are nature's richest green vegetable source of beta-carotene, from which Vitamin A is created, and the third richest source of Vitamin A of all foods, after cod-liver oil and beef liver! They also are particularly rich in fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and the B vitamins, thiamine and riboflavin, and are a good source of protein.
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Grape Seed Extract
Grape Seed Extract is a natural plant product made from the grape seed (or pip). Grape Seed Extract is rich in procyanidins, a special class of water-soluble bioflavonoids which are excellent free radical scavengers. Grape seed extracts have compounds called procyanidolic oligomers (PCOs). PCOs are powerful antioxidants, greater than vitamins C and E. They also inhibit a number of enzymes that degrade connective tissue such as elastase, collagenase, and hyaluronidase. PCOs are believed to play an important role in preventing heart disease and cancer. "Pycnogenol" with a capital P is the trade name for a specific PCO derived from maritime pine bark or grape seed.

The health benefits are many and help: eyes, skin, collagen, blood flow, cancer, aids, heart, vascular function, tumors, varicose veins, cellulite, anti-aging, arthritis, allergies, sun protection, high blood pressure, decreases swelling after surgery, A.D.D., pms, Alzheimer's disease, asthma, cholera, constipation, fatigue, teeth, weight, liver protection, Parkinson's, psoriasis and broken capillaries.

Buy it from your local health food store. Take it daily in liquid form. It tastes great and works wonders. So if you need help with any of the conditions listed above, give it a try. Overcome those free radicals!

Honey & Cinnamon Combo
The magic mixture of honey and cinnamon has been known for hundreds of years for their miraculous curing power. If we look back into the history we can see both these items used by different countries and cultures across the world for different medicinal purposes. You can find references for this wonder combination in medical streams like Ayurvedic, Yunani etc. Listed below are some of the well known uses of the combination of honey and cinnamon.

For Curing Arthritis - a paste should be made from one part honey and two parts of luke warm water added with a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. This paste should be massaged on the itching part of the body and the pain should recede within fifteen minutes.

Hair Loss - apply a paste made out of hot olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Toothache - apply a paste made of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey on the aching tooth.

Reducing Cholesterol - Take two tablespoons of honey, three teaspoons of cinnamon powder and mix in 16 ounces of tea to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10% within 2 hours.

Cure Colds - take one tablespoon of luke warm honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days.

Curing Infertility - Various ancient medical streams like Ayurveda and Yunani have been using honey for years in medicine to strengthen the semen of men. Two tablespoons of honey before they go to sleep is what is prescribed by many experienced practitioners. Women who cannot conceive may take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half a teaspoon of honey, and apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the body.

Stomach Upset - mix it, drink it

Immune System - mix it, drink it

Longevity - Ancient cultures used tea made with honey and cinnamon powder for longevity. 4 spoons of honey, 1 spoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water are boiled to make this tea. The prescribed amount is to drink 1/4 cup, 3 times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and slows down old age.

Weight Loss - Drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup water first thing in the morning (empty stomach). If taken regularly it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also drinking of this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body, even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.

Pure Organic Jojoba Oil

Jojoba "Ho-Ho-Ba" closely resembles the natural oils secreted by human skin (sebum). It is light in weight and yellow in color with a light sweet nutty scent. Jojoba oil contains many important nutrients, such as vitamin E, B complex vitamins, and the minerals silicon, chromium, copper, and zinc.

Over millions of years wild jojoba trees have adapted to only one place in the world, the extremely hot and dry Sonora Desert of North America. In the 1700s, Father Junipero Sierra, who established the missions in California, wrote in his diary that Native Americans used the rich material they pressed from jojoba seeds for its 'mystical" treatment of cuts, scrapes, sunburn and dried out skin.

In 1934 University of Arizona chemists discovered that jojoba was the only natural source of liquid wax esters, other than the sperm whale oil. They were amazed that jojoba oil contains a 98% pure array of monounsaturated liquid wax esters consisting of long chains of fatty acids and alcohols, whereas all other seed oils consist of branched triglyceride molecules. The sperm whale, whose spermacti oil is 85% esters, had long been used in hundreds of cosmetic and lubrication products until these whales became an endangered species and jojoba was rediscovered as a replacement.

Use jojoba oil on your skin to treat dryness, acne, psoriasis, rosacea, eye makeup removal, massage oil and it is safe to use for more delicate areas. You can mix it with zinc in powder form to make your own sunscreen. Also, it has antimicrobial properties, which means it actually discourages the growth of some bacterial and fungal microbes that attack the skin. So use it for cuts, burns, scrapes, canker sores, cold sores, yeast infections, athlete's foot, and warts. Additionally, this oil works wonders on hair to increase shine, moisturize, block pollutants, or prevent dandruff. Give at whirl and pick up a bottle at your local health food store or order it online.

Cayenne Pepper
Are chemtrails and contaminated foods affecting your health? Try eating more cayenne pepper! Cayenne pepper is one of nature's most healing and therapeutic foods. Originally from South America, the cayenne plant has spread across the globe both as a food and as a medicine. Cayenne is very closely related to bell peppers, jalapeños, paprika, and other similar peppers. The main medicinal properties of cayenne are derived from a chemical called capsaicin.

Today cayenne is used worldwide to treat a variety of health conditions, including toothaches, headaches, to increase blood flow, circulation, relieves rheumatic and arthritic pains, sore throats, wound-healing and disinfectation, skin conditions, gas, a thermogenic in colder climates to provide heating, cancer, cellulite, metabolism and cayenne has also been known to stop heart attacks within 30 seconds.

Eat or drink 2.5 grams of cayenne powder a day.

Pick-Me-Up Foods

Feeling down/drained? Try eating more of these foods (true organic or chem-free of course): tuna, salmon, mackerel, walnuts, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, almonds, peanuts, spelt, beets, chicken, turkey, black beans, avocado, citrus fruits, blueberries, figs, dates, bananas, broccoli, spinach, leafy greens, water, calcium, dark chocolate (preservative free & at least 85% cocoa), stevia or erythritol instead of refined sugar